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Before it starts, I want to say that the first two chapters are backstory-like things. ART IS MINE!

Includes some historical claims

I... I can't remember. Who was I? And when... Who were my parents?...

I could remember only the moment I saw you...
I was adopted.

Year •1558• The Livonian War

There was this kind man. He wore warm smile on his face. Light blue face with a yellow cross.  He held his hand towards me, he wanted me to trust him. I trusted... He smiled wider, he seemed nice, with blood all aroud us or not. My first real WAR I have ever experienced. Fallen flags and fallen men... Blood and fire, swords and spears, his wide smile. Did he won?

Year •1583• The end of The Livonian War

It all went black. Next thing I knew was this house... There were more children there. Darker blue with a yellow cross, red with a white cross, white with a blue cross. I was holding the same man's hand that had won. I hold his hand tighter than I did before, I was scared. There was a girl on his left. He said something to her and she responded 'Ok MR. Sweden'. He walked away.

The girl looked at me and smiled. She seemed familiar.

'Hi, I'm Latvia🇱🇻!' said the girl.
'H-Hi.. I'm Estonia🇪🇪'

She grabed my hand and wanted to be friends. 'Why not?' I asked myself.

We laughed together, we told stories. We called each other Esti and Lati. The day came to an end quick.
It was bed time.

The Next day we had to work on fields. Latvia wasn't on my team, she was on another field. Instead there were those three boys.
They were so chill... they were older than me.

'WOW' I thought. If I work hard I have time like them.

At lunch they laughed so hard I wanted to laugh too. MR. Sweden went to they're table smiled and kissed all three boys on the cheeks.

'WOW...' If I work hard MR. Sweden will notice me agian.

For the following days I worked hard. I wanted to be loved, I wanted to be like those three boys.

It was Saturday

I went to sauna. Latvia couldn't come becose she was a girl, MR. Sweden had to take care of other children. So I went alone.

I took my towel, put it on a bench next to sauna door. I opened the door, it was dark. Only a little bonfire showed light. I sat down.

I allmost screamed.
'Chill dude...' said a voice from the darkest corner of the sauna.

He came closer. And now I could make out his face. He was the boy with blue cross.

'You new?'
'Ok, I'm Finland🇫🇮, call me Fin'

After a big silent moment Fin said:

'I have three brothers and dad. Who do you have?'
I didn't have any siblings. But I had Lati.
'The girl?'
'She seemes nice'
'She is!'
We talked for a while. It was fun. He was so nice to me. I don't know why was this a big suprise for me. Everyone here were so nice. It was weird. I wasn't used to this.

Coutryhumans |♡Will our future be better than past♡| BAD GRAMMER!Where stories live. Discover now