Chapter eight

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So I just drew that old lady at school. Now, when I look at it through my tablet it looks uglier.


Estonia's POV

I think that woman was the scariest person I have ever seen.
JK (”just kidding” if you didn’t know). She was completely normal. And the scariest person I have never seen is... A lot of memory pictures came through my head. Only picture I can remember was not very old. Only an hour. A picture of Finland...

'Hello there.’

A voice cutted my thoughts. That old lady spoke.


She giggled as I blush. My russian accent came out. I don’t really like it.

'Welcome to our orphanage.’
'Yeah, Hi.’

OMG I’m not used to talking to new people. I haven’t had a change to practise really...

Her little smile vanished. She looked very numb and strict.

'I’m Miracle Foundation.’ (I don’t really know, but when I googled ”orphanage association” it showed up)

'What could a yung man like you want from an orphanage?’

I look down. What did I want, why did I come here? I can’t just tell that the house looked abandoned.

Her strict face became an annoyed one. Guess she knew what was going on.

'Oh, I know that face...’

Her voice was... sad?

'But you seem differnt...’

She sayed with more... suprised tone.
Yeaaaaaahhhh... I look like a total nerd compared to every other guy who likes to visit abandoned places.

'Would you like to see what do we have to offer?’

I look up at her and she smiled. A kind smile.

'Y-yes.. I would like that.’

She nodded and came closer. A numb, strict face looking at me. That face was only hiding a happy smile.

She leads me the way to some door. ’Looking heavy as hell.’ I say in my head, looking at a big door.

’Uhh... before we enter.’
’Why are doors here so heavy?’

She looks away taking her hand off the door handle.

’Some kids... before we had those doors...’
She points at the door with her hand.
’...they ran out of the orphanage and were lost several weeks after that. My heart filled with saddness. You might not know how it feels to love other children like they were yours... some people just don’t have that ability to have own children...’
She is looking like... litterly like... I’ll just show you

                                                                            (It’s actually a sad moment and I had to ruin it with memes)

She continues.

’I can tell you know how it feels..’

I blush. ’How did she know I was gay!?!’
She smiles a sad smile. And I listen what she says next, with a shock.

’Those kids were found dead in the nearby alleyway.’

I froze... how? WHY?! Those poor children! My eyes start tearing up.

’They were dead all this time.’

Her voice isn’t stable anymore. She looks down at the floor. I could feel the pain.

She looks back at the door handle, takes it and opens the door with ONE HAND.

’Remember kid. Mistakes make us stronger.’

She looks back at me with numb and VERY strict face. Only to hide the tears.

I could hear a lot of children behind the door and they all shut up when the door fully openes.

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