Chapter nine

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OoO I just saw something... This story is ranked as the 17th Finest story out of 123 stories. I'm sooo happyyyy! Thank you all! And when I saw this I started thinking what is that 17th place worth. Like what do you have to give readers to get 17th place. And there, under the story cover was a number I thought I would never see... 79 reads! 79 READS! HOLY SH*T!!
Thank you guys. I love you! No.. not in that way, but thank you SOOOO MUCH!


Estonia's POV

Since she opened the door to "the children playground" I saw how happy they actually are. They were playing and laughing like nothing was wrong. It made me smile. And they're laugh was something I would do anything for.

Now I understood why Miracle liked it here.

I look back at children. They noticed me. They looked at me like I was a ghost. But when they understood that I was not a "danger" they took my hand and now I was part of they’re game.

That game went on for hours.


A loud and commanding voice echoed through the mantion’s halls. Everything went silent.

It was Miracle.

’It’s time for our friend to leave.’

She continued her speach. And a loud ’Awww’ was heard.

’Will you come tomorrow?’

It was Norjània (This country does not exist). She’s a little girl.

’Of course I’m coming back.’

I left the large room and Miracle gave me a map and showed me a little shortcut.
We sayed our goodbyes and I left.

It was already dark outside.

I followed Miracle’s recommendations. And found an familiar bus stop on my way.

Weird.. I thoughed I was far from home.

I leave my bag on the drawer. And fall onto my bed.

Sorry, this is short (Only 317 words) and I don’t feel so good. Hope you understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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