Memories II

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Includes some historical claims

'Saturday was so much fun, Fin made jokes and we laughed. Just like they did.' I thought to myself at the breakfast table.

'HI Esti!'
'Oh hi.'

Lati waved. She sat next to me and apologized for being late.

'This is Lithuania!🇱🇹'
'Hi, I'm Estonia'
'Cool name.'
'He is in the same field team as me.'

Lati introduced a new friend.

We hang out a lot. We were impossible to separate. They were alone only when we had to work and Saturday evenings, when I was in sauna.
Talking about sauna, me and Fin met once in week. Nothing changed for a couple years.

Year •1700• The Great Northern War

We were only children... I could see the panic in they're eyes. It made me anxious as well.

We meet once agian... death.

It was obvious, we were losing. But we had hope... I could see it in they're eyes. HOPE. They wouldn't stop fighting. That fire in they're eyes, the look on they're faces. The look on his face.
He smiled once more. He waved... smiling. He.. he.. left. With a sword in his hand... They cried... I cried.

Goodbye MR. Sweden...

Year •1721• The end of The Great Northern War

He.. he didn't die. Tears fell down, they made little puddle of happiness.
That happiness was gone with only one word.


My hart dropped. He was pointing at me.

'And you all..'

His finger moved slightly towards Lati and Fin...

'Go with him'

The door was still opened. Weak, bloody MR. Sweden hold by his older sons looked behind him.
A big silhouette of a man appeard behind the door. He came in. Everyone recognized him immediately.
...Russian Empire...


Fin let go of his father and screamd his lungs off. He was mad.. very mad.

'Now, now Fin. Be nice to our guest.'
'I'm sorry for his attitude.'
'Don't worry, I'm used to this.'

Fin was on fire. Denmark just stared at ''the guest'' and Sweden was scared for his father's life.

'So you are Estonia...' Russian Empire looked at me with a insidious smile. Even MR. Sweden didn't smile that wide.

He looked at Fin and then asked MR. Sweden

'How old are they?'

He simply answerd.

'My son is 23.'

He grabed my and Lati's arm and started to walk towards the frontdoor.

My mouth was shut. I was too scared to scream. Seemed like Lati was in the same position.
I looked back... everyone just stared. Fin didn’t know what to do. Sweden pushed Finland and Lithuania out of the door.

’I’m sorry... Father wanted...’

Sweden looked through the window. He was allmost crying. He stood there a long time. Even if he couldn't hear the cradle wheels anymore.

It was done. We were "part" of the Russian Empire.

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