Chapter four

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Estonia's POV

'Wow.. there are a lot of people' Lati said
'Yeaa.... and how big it is..'

We sat down

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We sat down. We didn't want to eat... We both were so amazed...

'Oh! Look there!' She pointed at something in a corner.

It was a... machine? I have never seen such a thing in my life... It had food behind a glass and a bunch of glowing bottuns on the right.

Me and Lati looked at eachother. Then we smile the suspicious smile that villains have.

We both thought the same thought.

'Let's go, see what it can do.' She bowed over the table, close to my head.
'Sure thing Lati.' I whisper

We giggle and start our "mission".

1. Wait untill someone uses the machine and remember what he/she does.
2. Pack your bags.
3. Don't look suspicious and talk about random things.
4. Act natural.
5. Stop when your next to the machine.
6. Take a look at it all and do the same as the person you watched.

Plan was easy and done fast. Only the last step went south.

'It has soo much food in it.'
'What do you want?'
'I'll....I'll take the... ummm... the one that has number 24.'
'Okay, why that?'
'Becose it has colorfull envelope and it looks tasty.'
'I'll take condensed walnuts.'


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'Really?... you don't wanna try anything new?'

Lati shruged and let me figure out how that thing works.

I finnished first and went to our table, sat down and started eating the 20 muesli I bought.

I was eating my 17th when Lati came.

She had walnuts in her mouth, pockets, bag.

'U nevpher kno when u cal eet et agen.' (You never know when you can eat it agian) Lati spoke with a full mouth.
We both giggle.

Coutries look at us weird.

Not they're fault. We still weren't used to all this capitalism.

I had allmost finnished when Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 came to us.

'Hi, guys!'
'Haven't seen in a while. I see Esti tried a muesli. Do you like it?'
'It is VERY good!'
'Yea. I know! I allready finnished my 20.'
'Yeah me too.' I say as I put the last peace into my mouth.
'Haha. Nice. I have to go. See ya!'
'Bye Kaz!'
'See ya Kaz!

He waved and then walked away.

I helped Lati finnish the ones in her bag.

I was allmost done but then something unbeliveble happend.

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