13 - Flowers Grew Back as Thorns

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August 2017

Taylor's POV

Last week, it was the social media wipe. Then, the snake videos. Today, I finally get to make my big announcement followed by the release of the first single at midnight.

Over the past few days, I had been tied to my phone coordinating the promo of my newest album. I was constantly calling my manager, label team, and merchandising group. As far as my fans and critics were concerned, I had esentially disappeared for the past several months. There was the time that Joe and I were spotted together in Nashville and then another time in New York, but that was all. This new album would be a complete surprise in many ways. Only my closest friends and family knew that I was working on this project.

The best part about this new album was that it was independent from the CIA. They had no role in the funding or development. They would find out along with everyone else about this project.

"Taylor!" Joe called from the other room.

I yelled back not wanting to get off the couch. "Yeah?"

"We have guests."

Shoot. I completely forgot that my family was coming over along with my publicist and few other people who worked on the album. "Give me two minutes," I said as I ran past Joe who stood at the front about ready to buzz everyone in. We had been operating out of my apartment in New York for the past couple of months with me flying back and forth to Nashville.

I quickly changed out of my sweatpants and t-shirt which I had been lounging around in all morning. The best part about working from home. "Okay, I'm ready!" I called from the bathroom. Before going to the front hall, I ran a brush through my messy hair.

Within a few minutes, the apartment was buzzing with excitement. Everyone came over to celebrate the album announcement.

"How are you feeling?" My mom asked me as she embraced me in a hug.

"I've never been more eager to release an album." It was true. Each album came with its own bundle of excitement. This one though was going to reveal a whole different dimension of myself as an artist who has grown into adulthood. It had a whole new sound. I was excited to see my fans' reactions.

"You just keep on surprising us don't you?" Austin joked, walking up to us.

"Well, as long as life keeps surprising me it will be reflected in my music."

"It's almost time!" Tree yelled over everyone. I made my way into the living room. Joe and my brother sat on either side of me on the couch. I was making this album announcement on social media. I had decided not to take any interviews to promote the album. I just want to put it out there and let people decipher their own meaning.

For a moment, the room looked like a call center. Everyone had their phone on and in the palm of their hand. "Alright, here we go." I took in a deep breath before hitting post. Within seconds, my phone began pinging with notifications. Most of them were from social media. Others were from friends who didn't know about the project yet and were texting to congratulate. We all watched in awe as the likes and comments rolled in.

"I think this calls for a celebration!" Joe announced. The crew here was always down for a party.

I chimed in. "I know that the album hasn't even been released yet, but I am so thankful for all of you who have continued to be there for me and support my career. Thank you all for working tirelessly on this project. I can't believe we've been able to keep it a secret for so long. You guys are awesome. Now go grab a drink!"

"To reputation!" shouted my brother, raising his beer.

"To reputation!" Everyone joined in the toast.

We spent all afternoon hanging out, eating snacks, drinking, and jamming out to the album in my apartment. It wasn't a large gathering, but I loved being able to celebrate some good that came out of such a shitty year. From Kanye to the CIA directing my love life to the sexual assault lawsuit, I was ready to close that chapter.

"You enjoying yourself?" Joe asked as he approached with a refilled drink for me.

Before I had a chance to respond, I got a call from James. I quickly turned off my phone when I saw his number flash across the screen. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him right now. I was determined to have a great time, and I knew that whatever he wanted to talk about would only anger me.

"Is everything okay?" Joe wanted to know. He's pretty good at reading me.

"Yeah, let's go grab some more snacks." I led him into the kitchen. When everyone was out of earshot, I told him that James tried to call.

"I wonder what he's thinking about the album release. This is a total surprise to them right?"

"Yeah, I have a feeling I already know what he wants to talk about. They just want to keep using me." I shook my head, "I'm so sick of it." Some of my anger toward the agency was channeled into this album. However, I still had a lot remaining. Recording, producing, and releasing it without their knowledge was my biggest fuck you to the agency yet. I knew full well that it would piss them off.

There really wasn't anything they could do about it though. They wouldn't fire me because I'm one of their most valuable assets. They couldn't prevent the release because the fans would be suspicious. They would have to find another way to maintain their leverage because I wasn't going to let them have my music anymore.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket just to see if James had left a voice message. He did. In fact, he called three more times within half an hour, left a voice message, and a text that read: URGENT - HQ meeting tomorrow @ 11. Maybe I pushed the boundaries a little too far this time.

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