Oh no.........

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'I cant get this thing off!' I once again find myself trying to get this muzzle off for the like 29th time in 3 weeks. I cant eat when its on and its really becoming a problem im sickly, starving, and getting worse by the minute, then my legs start to give in from all my thrashing, and i collapsed on the ground and i hear the voices of LJ, Candy pop, and Jason the toy maker, in a couple meters and there coming in my direction quickly,  like speed walking. I need to hide, and FAST. Oh no..... I cant move, i cant get up, i cant run, i cant even drag my self... FUCK. I just listen to their voices, their footsteps, and i just wait.

I was talking with candy pop and jason when we hear raspy breathing up ahead. We all stop dead in our tracks and look at each other daring the other to go first. I walk through the bushes first and see something that shocks me. "GUYS GET OVER HERE!!!"I scream. They come crashing through the bushes and stop once they see it. The creature we tried to capture 3 weeks ago was laying on the ground in front of us, it looked like it was starving and its legs must have gave in making it fall on its side. I walk up to its head and crouch down to see if it is awake, and it was. Its eyes were wide like it was scared for its life. I look at the muzzle and see the strap, it was scratched and clawed but not cut through, it looks like it couldn't get it off."Hey guys, think it'll make it out here?" I asked."Doubt it" candy said."Im surprised it's alive in this state" jason added. I then think of something that might work if it cooperates,"Before i do anything if i take off the muzzle and give you some food are you gonna run after i take it off"it nods. I frown at this,"Then i cant take it off now , can i?" It looks at me like it thinks im gonna leave it to die out here in its own misery."Help me carry it" I say annoyed "WHAT!?!" candy and jason scream in unison."Well slender wants it alive but if he sees it like this he's probably gonna kill it, so were taking it with us to the carnival." I say. "Where we gonna put it?"jason asks. "Probably in the torture cage i just cleaned, i think it might be big enough." I say questioning myself."Welp might as well get going with it but how we gonna carry it?"candy asked." Alright it looks about 8-9 ft long and its about 6ft tall so jason fold the back legs close to its tail and carry it like that, i got the front legs and head and candy grab the tail." After we got that done so we could carry it we teleported off to the carnival.

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