My Right

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Its been 2 days since the incident and i plan to hide out away from them. I shifted to an owl and went deep in the forest. I've seen them looking for me and i can tell they're worried, but i don't want to hurt anyone. I hide in my new nest-hole and just watch. I see the Clowns and hear them yelling for me. Lj glances at me looks away, then does a double take. "Hey, I RECOGNISE THAT OWL!!!" He yells. He teleports and grabs me and pins my wings so i cant flap around. I choose to act like a  normal owl. I stare at him and hoot like a normal owl. "Drop the act wexle." Lj says in a serious tone. I just sit there, in his hands, and ruffle my feathers, snuggling into his hands. I close my eyes and make a happy owl face. "Is that owl smiling?" Candy asks. "Lj its just an owl with a tail ok. Lets go." Jason says. "No this is what she looked like before she shifted to her water form and swam off." Lj says. I listen to their fading voices as i fall asleep. I wake up in a bird cage in the mansion. I look around. Im in me and jacks room. I ruffle my feathers and hear him walk in the room. "Oh cool your awake." He says happily. I hoot and tilt my head. "Yeah im not falling for that." He says. I ruffle my feathers and put my head under my lifted wing. "All right well do this the hard way." He says. He takes me out of my cage and grips my wings. Suddenly he snaps one off. I screech like an owl and start to freak out. "That hurts, don't it? Well it wont happen again if you shift to your normal form." He says. I just look at him. He snaps off my other wing and they both grow back. "I knew it." He says. He grabs my head. "Shift or say goodbye to your head." He says. I am left with no choice. Im engulfed in shadows and use the shadows to shift to my birth form, a black phoedrak (a phoenix dragon mix)

 Im engulfed in shadows and use the shadows to shift to my birth form, a black phoedrak (a phoenix dragon mix)

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I fill with rage and torch his room. "I AM A PHEODRAK. SHAPESHIFTING GOD. I AM TO BE RESPECTED AND REVERED AS MY PARENTS STATED BEFORE GIVING ME THEIR IMMORTALITY! I AM TO BE FEARED!" i boom in a demonic voice and fly out, leaving the mansion burning. I fly up and dive bomb through the hole i made in the wall. I breathe in all the flames and light myself on fire. I then swoop through the house and out the front door.

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