Im back

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I am carried inside and set on the couch. After i get out of my daze i realise im in the place that threatened me again. I immediately got off the couch and ran to where the front door was. I was held back when i tried to grab the door handle. "LET ME GO!!" I shout. My eyes tearing up in fear as i my body realised that it hasn't eaten a single human in months. My body starts to shift and the one holding me back catches on. They put some sort of bracelet on my wrist. They then released me. I ran out of the door and looked for a lost human. I found a small girl that looked abandoned. I hated myself for what i was about to do. My hunger took control and i mauled the girl. I listened to her blood curdling screams and cries. I just kept eating. I couldn't stop. Once i was done i fell to my knees, crying. I absolutely hated the fact that i just killed a small child. I looked at my wrist and ripped off the bracelet on it. I then began to walk back with an emotionless expression on my face. I walked through the door and was met with no one being in the living room. I walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and found the restocked supply of kidneys. Being the bitch i am and wanting to annoy EJ i took them all. I saw EJ in the hall while i was walking by. He looked at me then the jar of kidneys in my hands. "Oh HELL NO." He says angry. His tries to grab the jar but i snatch it out of the way, hissing at EJ. He jumps at me and i dodge to the side. I open the mouth in my chest and set the jar inside, then close it. I tackle him to the ground and bite his shoulder. Suddenly i feel claws dig into my shoulder and yank me off him. Once he stands up he's held back by a very scared candy pop. I suddenly feel claws dig into my other shoulder and hold me back as well. Once we are both calm, i find out LJ was holding me back. "Why were you two fighting?" Candy pop asks. "SHE STOLE ALL THE KIDNEYS!!" EJ yells. I shrug. "No idea what he's talking about." I say in a calm tone. LJ looks at me, then EJ. "Wexle are you lying?" He asks in a menacing tone. The fur along my spine stands up and my tail fluffs out in fear. "U-uuuhhh, n-no..." I stutter. He looks at me with a look that says 'MMMMHMMMM SSSUUUUUUUUURRRE' "Wexle give EJ his kidneys." LJ says. "I-i don't have them!" I say. "We'll be right back." LJ says teleporting us away. "Wexle where are they." He asks. "I-in my chest..." I say, terrified of his menacing tone. "Take them out or i will." He says obviously angry. This scared me because lately he had been in a bad mood and if you messed with him he put you on his hit list. No one knew why but we all just avoided annoying him. I shook my head since i was still hungry for human flesh. He growled and dug both his claws into my chest. He started to pry it open and it hurt like hell. I screamed in pain but that didn't stop him. He ripped it open and took out the jar. He then left the room leaving me on the floor, bleeding and resealing my chest. After i was healed i climbed up onto my platform and hid against a corner. I was starving and shut the door locking it. Only me and slender had a key for my privacy. I just sat there. I slowly started to shift color and was soon black, grey, and white. I stayed there not moving for what felt like days. I heard my name yelled a couple times through the slide doors but ignored them. My depression and anxiety was getting the better of me. I was starving myself and hadn't slept since i locked myself in here. I slightly rocked myself back and forth, blocking slender out of my mind, and just sat there. I guess slender was worried cause i heard the lock on my doors unlocking. I saw them slide open and quickly slammed them shut again. I locked them and gripped the lock, squeezing it hard enough to dent it in and jam it locked. I heard slender through the doors telling me to open them. I just sat there rocking back and forth with my tail wrapped around my curled up form. I sat wide eyed until i heard banging on the doors. The marble shattered on the third hit and LJ's hand reached in and ripped the lock off. I then retracted back out and opened the now unlocked door. LJ was crouched on the outer ledge glaring at the corner i was sitting in.  His look immediately softened when he saw the state i was in. My ribs were showing, i looked like i had lost at least fifty pounds, my fur was dulled in color,tangled,and matted, my eyes were wide with fear and terror, i was curled in a ball, my ears were flat against my head, i had bags under my eyes making me look like i hadn't slept in weeks, my chest was still bleeding slightly and clotting my fur where LJ ripped open my chest. In short, i looked like shit times two. LJ reached out to grab my arm. Once he got to close i hissed and scratched at him like a mad-lad on crack. He recoiled obviously startled. He looked genuinely concerned and jumped down off the platform. I heard him talking to slender and soon a tentacle slithered towards me. I thought 'FUCK I NEARLY SHREDDED LJ U THINK U SPECAIL!?!' I hissed at the tentacle and scratched at it like it was Freddy fuckin crouger coming to shred me. It retracted and i heard slender call someone on the phone. Soon i heard a peppy voice enter the room. Soon the room went silent. Then a tentacle reached over the edge of my platform and slowly reached towards me, but something caught my eye, a small bell. I reached out and touched the bell. It jingled. I retracted my claws and touched it again. Another jingle. I swatted it. Another jingle. I was soon playing with it like a normal cat and swatting it. It had my full attention so i didn't notice the other tentacle wrapping around me. I was soon lifted off the platform and when i realised what happened i hissed and scratched the tentacle holding me recognising slender mans familiar scent. I stopped when i heard a small jingle. I looked up to see another bell. My pupils dilated into huge orbs and my claws retracted. I started to swat the bell again. 'Jingle,jingle,jingle' everytime i swatted. I was soon put down as i played with the bell. I followed the tentacle to its owner to see a colorful version of slender with a smiley face instead of a blank face. I look at his hat and try to grab it.  He giggles and hands it to me. I gently take it from him and look at it. It was so colorful. Not even realising it i was back to my normal colorful self as well. I poke each polka dot and look back at the tall slender man like creature. I reach up to give him his hat and giggle like a five year old. He kneels down and i place it on his head. He then hovers another tentacle with a bell over my head and jingles it. I giggle and swat it playfully. I then hear slender mans voice which makes me terrified. "Thank you splendor, that was very helpful." He says. I hide behind who i now know is splendor and my tail puffs up in fear. "Oh, brother she still looks terrified." Splendor says. LJ looks at me with pity in his eyes. He reaches out his clawed hand and i hiss in fear. I hear a bell jingle and my ears perk up.  I look to see another small bell. I tap it and giggle as it jingles. I see LJ look at the ground. I soon realize he's crying. I grab a candy from his jar and walk over to him. I cautiously hold out my hand with the candy on my palm towards LJ. He looks over at my hand then at me. He looks at my chest then back at my face. He carefully takes the candy from my hand and looks at me, never breaking eye contact. He just looked at me shocked. I was terrified he would hurt me again. I backed away slowly. I put a fake smile on my face and walked back to splendor. He patted my head and called sally. My ears perked up when sally came in. Sally ran towards me and looked so happy. "SPLENDY YOUR HERE!!! NOW WE CAN HAVE A TEA PARTY!!!!!" she said happily. My eyes brighten. "A TEA PARTY!?!?" i ask cheerful. "Yes of course! We can have a tea party!!!" Splendor says chirpy. We walk to Sally's room. We get everything set up and have a tea party.

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