The Mansion

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Im still in my captured form and i hate it but i cant shift out of it or my chest will be EXTREMELY damaged. I wonder the woods when i realised 'Someone at the mansion must have a key.' I sprint to the mansion, and crash through the door. This causes everyone in the room to raise their weapons. "Im not here to attack" this causes them to ease a little. I point at the giant plate of metal on my chest "can someone get this off?" I ask. Im immediately encountered by four faceless entities. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!" The one from before shouts. "Not to hurt anyone" i say. This makes them all ease. "I need this off" i point at the chest plate over the mouth. "Im afraid i cant help you unless you join me" it says. "Then im afraid i have to take your life" i lunge at him immediately,  slicing his neck with my claws, and biting his shoulder. I feel something stab me and look down at my leg to see that jeff lodged a knife in it. He then brakes off the handle making me scream in pain. Others start to do the same and soon im like a pin cushion filled with knife blades. I scream in agony and blur out the door. Every movement HURTS. I have no choice i HAVE to lay down. I look around and find a tree. I cant climb it but it offers some shade. Soon i hear jason's foot steps. I get ready to fight and stand as tall as i can. He sees me and teleports immediately. Five minutes later i am sitting relaxed in the shade but pain still ripping through me. "It hurts so much..." I say as all the cuts start to burn. I looked down to see all of them starting to get infected. I sigh." I need someone to fix this" i then go to Lj's carnival and fall asleep in a spare tent.

1 day later*

I wake up still exhausted, and in worse pain. I immediately look at the blade punctures and see them infected even worse. I look around and see Lj and candy talking. Jason joins them not long after and sees me from the corner of the tent. At this point if i run the blades will get lodged deeper from the movement. I back up slowly as he runs over. "Well,well,well, look what we have here" he says in a slightly ticked off tone. I slowly limp backwards and he notices this. "Hey candy, Lj, you're gonna wanna see this." Lj and candy walk over and see me. "It's hurt so don't threaten her, she can barely walk." He says to candy and Lj. "Yeah i can see that, but so are we cause of her." Candy says in an annoyed tone. I try to run but fall after two steps do to a knife in my foot. I look at my foot with anger. I look at the clowns. They look like a mixture of worry and pleased. I try to get up only to be met with more pain. At this point i just give up and lean against a bench while sitting up. With my legs on the ground. They look at me with slight concern. "Get up" Lj commands. "I said GET UP" As i try to get up one of the knife blades in my leg is lodged deeper making me scream in pain. They look at me concerned. I fall against the bench and tear,rip,and scratch at my skin to reach the blade that is three inches in my skin. Lj grabs one of my claws and candy grabs the other. "Jason take it out!" Candy yells struggling to hold me. Jason then uses his fingers and digs into the cut making me screech in agony. He grabs the blade and takes it out slowly. Soon enough the cut stops hurting so bad and i look at my leg. One of the cuts is blade less. "If you don't move we can take out the rest" jason says. I nod. They proceed to remove the blades and i just watch.

58 knife blades later*

"And.... Done!" Candy says as he removes the last one. "Now, we know someone that can help clean and bandage them but you'd have to join us. You can live in the carnival though." Lj offers. I think then nod. "Alright lets go then." We teleport right outside the mansion. "Why is she here?!" The one i now know is slender say. "She wants to join but we have to fix her wounds." Jason says. "Ah, very well. Ill get Ej." And with that he left. About two seconds later Ej comes out. "Alright sit down this will take a while." Ej says.

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