Toomes Salvage company

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A few days had passed on at Midgard. Sadly, Loki was yet forced to scrape by for day to day necessities, but things were getting easier for him.

He had found hostel that accepted cash and not just 'card'. It was not an ideal situation but it was a sight better than sleeping outside on the street or huddle amongst the masses in the tent cities. Small amounts of cash to pay for his room and food were easy enough to come by now, but continuing to commit small time robberies, mugging would-be muggers and the occasional pick-pocketing was not a viable solution for his long-term needs. Not only that, sooner or later he would be noticed.

And he could not afford that.

He had acquired more tasteful clothes as well; pants and waist coat in a soft brown fabric as well as a beige shirt. The outfit was topped off with a nice, long dark coat. To complete the image of Loki's new persona? A pair of glasses that rested gently on his nose. They were obviously fake glasses, as his vision lacked for nothing, but Loki had always liked to put on good act. Play a role to perfection, so to speak. Which was exactly why he hadn't gone for any of the colors that he normally favored. No dark greens nor black, just brown and beige. To be fair, it suited his current brown hair and less pale skin quite well.

Currently he found himself seated in one of those human coffee shops that served up a decent breakfast. A single cup of steaming hot coffee sat in front of him, as well as a plate containing two buttery croissants. It seemed to be the most favored thing to order at this location, thus Loki had ordered the same thing everyone favored so as not to stand out. He found the croissants enjoyable at least. The delicate nature of the food item was appealing to him. The coffee however was... bitter and nasty over all.

Still he swallowed the black liquid down, mimicking the Midgardians around him and not allowing the disdain to show on his face. It seemed to be a very common drink here on Midgard. That everyone would sit around and drink this nastiness in the morning baffled him to no end.

Regardless, it was not chance that brought Loki to this little shop, where he was seated facing the windows that showed the road outside. His eyes were lingering on the cars passing by, watching them with the patience of a hunter. He was waiting. Waiting because of something that had caught his interest. A specific truck would come from the former battleground and then go off somewhere else before then coming back again and again.

It was not a S.H.I.E.L.D. truck however, which was what interested him. The words on the side of the truck read instead as 'Toomes salvage company'.

Loki couldn't help but smirk to himself the first time he had noticed the truck. The salvaging truck had interested him so he had carefully followed the path it had taken, getting closer and closer to figuring out its' ultimate destination. Did it go to and fro from the battlefield itself or did it instead go to the surrounding buildings that lay in ruins collecting mundane civilian items? Did the Humans realize what they might pick up like ravens haunting a bloody field? Did they know that they could find Chitauri armor, weapons, communication devices and even advanced energy sources? And if that was indeed what this truck was doing?

Oh, but how very kind of the humans to pick up such treasures for him.

And there it is, right on time, Loki thought to himself as the truck in question drove past the little shop. When it took a turn down a blocked off road he had to fight back a smile. It was indeed heading for the battlefield, just as he had thought. Now that he had confirmed where they were going, where were they coming from? The truck had come from the south... but how far south? All the way to the harbor perhaps?


Loki's eyes drifted back to where the truck had vanished as he lifted the coffee cup and took another sip, letting the bitter taste linger in his mouth and on his tongue. He hid a wince and shook his head slightly as he glared down at the cup as if its' contents. Honestly, what did the Humans see in this beverage? He polished off the last croissant as he stood, but didn't bother to finish off the contents of the cup. He left change on the counter as a tip, a majority of others were doing the same, and then walked out with hands in his coat pockets.

The next day found Loki back at the spot where he'd first seen the vehicle. He followed the truck on its' return trip and lost it when he was close to the harbor. He chuckled to himself. This close to the harbor and he knew he'd been right yet again. Really, Humans were so predictable. It may have taken a couple of hours of searching, but finally he found what he was searching for... a big warehouse with the name Toomes salvaging service written on the wall in big fat letters like they were inviting Loki inside.

Oh how very, very kind of them. Should he expect a red carpet next?

Loki looked up at the sky, not towards anything in particular, it would just seem like he was enjoying the clear sunny day.

"Not hurting any humans," he said to the air, pointedly talking to Heimdall, and then turned back to look at the warehouse before walking around it looking for a way inside.

Gaining entrance to the building proved to be way too easy for him, though that was probably because the items within were considered to be nothing more than just scrap and bits of trash. All he had to do was pick one of the many open windows and slip inside and... well then. It did indeed look like a trash heap inside. Everything that the Human's had picked up was just... just laying around in big piles or casually thrown across the warehouse to lay seemingly abandoned.

To Loki though? This was a treasure trove.

Loki smirked and pushed down the urge to laugh. Yes, his magic had been sealed, however his magical knowledge had not been. Perhaps here, in these piles of seeming useless scrap, there would be something useful to him. Oh, these foolish Humans didn't even know what they had available to them! The things they could build!

But Loki knew and he could, and would, take whatever he found from them without them ever knowing! Loki's smirk widened.

This was far too easy.

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