Going vigilanty

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As Loki had finally turned his eyes to what was happening in the here and now, he found himself suitably amazed at the chaos he had born through his actions.

He had really done it. Magicless as he was, he had once more made a tiny little snowball and send it rolling down the hill. The result was the metaphorical avalanche right in front of him on the news. Steve Rogers had been as busy as S.H.I.E.L.D. itself, being kind enough to keep Loki's little brain-washed Assasin occupied. He had also somehow managing to get files on all of the currently active Hydra agents who had not only infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., but also the American government itself. Their faces and names were displayed on the national channels, warning the public at large to be wary and to report sightings to the proper authorities.

Loki couldn't stop himself even if he'd wanted to. He went to find one of the highest rooftops in the city, that he had access to, all so that he could sit down on the ledge and peer over the city. So he could watch from on high all of the chaos raging in front of him. Knowing this was the result of his gentle blowing on a weakly built house of cards... why, it filled him once more with joy. He truly was still the god of Mischief, Lies, and Chaos.

Even in mortal form, with his magic and strength stripped from him, Loki was still capable of creating such beautiful havoc as what was going on far below him.

It was... nice. Sitting on high once again, looking down to see the masses, Humans, in this case, running around like a disturbed ants nest. It was almost nostalgic, seeing the results of his handiwork. Witnessing the fall of fools.

A rather massive boom caught his attention, and he looked up. Loki smirked. Several large helicarriers were being blown up and falling from the skies above the city to land in the nearby waters. Even such destruction was a marvel to behold. A spectacle greater than any fireworks show. Truly beautiful. He frowned a moment later and looked up at the clearing sky.

The biggest question now, was why wasn't Loki hearing Heimdal's booming voice inside his skull? There was nothing but the silence of his own mind. Did Heimdal not acknowledge him as the Creator of this beautiful Chaos made manifest? Had he not been concerned about Human lives lost due to his actions?

That was kind of sad. Insulting, in fact. It was Loki's own actions that had opened this particular can of worms. Then again, it was possible that this level of havoc, or something similar, was going to happen sooner or later anyway. It would explain why Heimdal was staying quiet about it all. Loki had to admit, if that was the case, then all Loki had really done was push the time-table of events forward ahead of schedule.

Still, even despite that, it felt nice to be reminded that he still had such power even as he was. He was, and always would be, the god of Mischief. That could not be taken away from him as easily as his magic and strength.

Loki stood up as the last helicarrier fell into the waters below. If he desired to act, then it had to be now while the iron was hot, or he would lose his opportunity. It was a good thing that he'd already gotten dressed in an appropriate outfit. He was dressed in an all-black outfit. And that did mean all black from head to toe. Shirt, pants, boots, socks, gloves, necktie. All of it black as night.

His face was covered by a mask that was designed to look like a raven. Loki had found the mask by accident in a shop and had found it amusing. It would work as well as any other mask, really. He just needed to keep his face hidden.

Loki had heard of another figure also running around in black clothes, in a place called Hell's Kitchen. It was located in another part of New York. A much cheaper, dirtier part where only scum and gangs lived. Heh, it would only work more in Loki's favor if people believed he was this 'devil of Hell's Kitchen.' They would be too busy blaming the 'Devil,' and wouldn't bother looking around for a 'new player' in the 'hero' game.

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