The Scarlet Witch

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"Oh, boy. Not good," Tony said as he looked out the window of the jet, "it looks like the party has already started."

The others glanced out the window and saw a big hole in the compound beneath them. Ultron was already down there. Steve nodded his head firmly, tightening his shield on his arm as he started for the hatch. The jet came to a stop over the roof, hovering what was hopefully a safe distance above the building.

"Let's go!" Steve ordered in a brisk tone. "Bruce! You're on back-up duty, okay?

"As usual," Bruce said with a sigh that was equal parts relief and worry, "and as usual, that's just fine by me."

The rest of the group, sans Bruce and Loki, jumped down to the roof below using Tony's jet packs to control their landing. Loki stepped over to the open hatch and glanced down. The rest of the Avengers landed safely and warily made their way to and down the hole.

"Robert, I think you'll want to stand back," Bruce said from his seat. Loki looked over his shoulder and raised a brow at the other man. "No, seriously. You should step back... unless...? Wait, you're not actually intending to follow them, are you?"

"Bruce..." Loki chuckled and smirked at the other man. "We've already established that I am not from Earth. What else do you not know about me? Hm?"

Bruce opened and closed his mouth for a few moments before letting out a sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose. Loki chuckled and shrugged when Bruce looked back up at him.

"Sorry about leaving you alone up here?" Loki offered in a joking tone.

"Sure you are," Bruce said with a dry laugh before waving his hand. "It's okay. Just make sure you don't get hurt. I'll land the jet a little ways away, and we can meet back up there."

"See ya then," Loki said with a wave before grabbing his own jet pack and jumping down to the roof.

He activated the pack and felt himself practically sail through the air. It felt great. Far rougher than his magic, but still fun. It had been far too long since he'd last gone outside like this. On an adventure. As it was supposed to, the pack jerked a bit, halting his downward motion in time for him to land smoothly. He knelt down and slipped the pack from his shoulders.

Given that it was one of Tony's inventions, the pack then took off on its own and headed for the quin-jet. Loki grinned and snuck over toward the hole. He glanced around briefly to make sure it was clear and then dropped down.

The fight was already on. Loki ducked behind a concrete pillar and then glanced around the corner. Tony was in the process of tossing Ultron across the room. There were several men with guns, their shots being blocked by Steve's shield. Then there was... Loki's eyes widened as something flickered past his vision faster than his eyes could follow.

The Speedster!

That... wasn't good. The Speedster was working with Ultron. If that was the case, then the sorcerer was probably working with him too. Loki looked around the area and smirked when a certain blonde, Norse God of Thunder, caught sight of him. Thor's eyes widened with surprise before he grinned. Loki's smirk started to widen and then faltered when a shadow snuck up behind Thor.

"Thor!" Loki shouted in warning, but it was already too late.

A woman with long red hair touched the side of Thor's head with her hands. Thor's eyes flew wide, and he froze in place. Mjolnir slipped from his fingers, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. Within seconds of having touched Thor, the woman was gone. Seemingly melting back into the shadows.

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