Chapter Five: Our Date P.O.V One[Not fixed]

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Before me and Fatgum stopped talking last night we made plans to go to the park and then go out to eat today and at that, I have 3 hours left until "I guess our date". Keiko still thinks it's a bad idea 

👑 "I don't see why you don't like him, Keiko"

Keiko "Its because how he acted towards you, I didn't like it"

Keiko "A true Alpha can handle their hormones (y/n)"

👑 "Keiko most Alpha cant handle their hormones and nothing happened"

👑 "He didn't hurt me or steal a kiss from me so im fine"

Keiko "Look I don't trust him but, if you trust him I guess I can"

🐦 "(y/n), Keiko it sounds like you two are daughter and father talking about your future husband"

🐦 "And if you should trust him or not"

👑 "SKY WHAT THE HE*L he's like 100 and something if he was still alive"

(She didn't say no about Fatgum being her future husband hmmm)

Keiko "Actually I'll be 218 if I was alive thank you very much"

👑 "Keiko, she's saying you're my dad basically!"

Keiko "And what's wrong with that?"

👑 "Phm, your 196 years older than me, you should know"

Keiko "Oh come on, I won't be that bad of a dad"

?? "I say it's wonderful, thats hes your dad like figure (y/n)"

👑 "oh , Ahmya i'm happy to see"

~~~Ahmya Info~~~

If she was still alive she would be 120, her quirk is black rain, basically what it does is she can make it rain on someone so they pass out or to burn them. You'll be surprised for such a villainous quirk she wouldn't be a hero but she was, she was a top hero. The only time I talk to her is when I'm trying to knock someone but I guess today was a special occasion.

~~~Keiko Info~~~

If he was still alive he would be 218, his quirk is shadow, basically what it does is he can control the shadow as a weapon and to teleport him or someone else. He almost always stays by my side to help me and to keep me safe.

👑 "What brands you out today?"

Ahmya "To help you with your date"

Ahmya "Because your friend here won't be a big help with your date"

🐦 "Ph, so mean"

Ahmya "Hmm, Sky Keiko get out"

🐦 "Fffffffine"

It took to almost an hour to get me ready for our date

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