Do it like the Zombies do

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Wilamae's POV:

After school that day, we were wandering around Zombietown, looking for the wolves. We found them sitting outside a grocer's looking at the books they borrowed from the school library.

"Win the wolves vote, win the elections." Zed says to me and Eliza as we approach them. "Hello Wolves. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, Zombie, football star, Presidential hopeful." Zed holds out his hand, for the wolves to shake, but when they don't he puts it down. "These are my friends, Eliza and Wilamae, but we just call her Mae." Eliza and I wave at the pack.

"When Zombies first came to Seabrook, they were outsiders too." I tell the wolves.

"Which is why, you need a great president like Zed to represent you." Eliza tells the wolves, as Zed smiles at them all. "We'd be honoured if you guys joined us."

"Our pack is our pack, we don't need anyone else." The girl with the space buns, Wynter I think, said. Zoey had come up to us to see what we were doing.

"Who wouldn't want more friends?" Zoey asked the wolf. "I bet underneath all that fluffy hair, you are a real softie."

"I am a mean, mean wolf, kid," Wynter said. "I am tough and rough."
"Aww you said ruff, like a little puppy dog." Zoey barked like a little puppy dog.

"We are beasts of the forest, we will never be tamed." Wynter started, but Zoey started to scratch behind her ear. "Oh wow, oh boy. That's nice." Willa glares at her and Wynter pulls away. "Sorry."

"We are nothing like you zombies." Willa says.

"You sort of are. Your necklaces are powered right? Like organic Z-bands. Right?" I ask Willa.

"You're smarter than he looks." She says looking to the both of us.

"Thanks, I do try." I laugh at Zed, who nudges me in the ribs.

"So those keep you from fully wolfing out?" Zed asks, going to touch it before Willa smacks his hand.

"The opposite. Our moonstones make us our full werewolf self." Willa told us.

"So without it you'd be human?" I ask.

"No, we'd die. We'd be nothing." Willa says.

"Imagine how alive you'd feel if you didn't have to tamp things down all the time. Hold back your true selves." Wyatt told us, standing up from his seat.
"Well, actually I have this theory that we might have evolved beyond our need for Z-bands..." Eliza started before Zed interrupted her.

"Haha Z-bands are great, they help you fit in. And I think that you guys would have a better time at Seabrook if you just try to fit in and do what we do. Join a club, play some football. I'll even teach you how to tackle. Just lighten up and be more like us." Zed points to Wynter at the last part.

"Yeah whatever." Willa starts to leave and the pack follows.

"Do it like the Zombies do. Don't stand out when you're fitting in.When in doubt, do the opposite." Zed tells them.

"Don't listen to him." Willa tells the wolves. "He's a hypocrite."

"Stand up straight, do your homework. Smile a lot when you network" Zed tells the wolves. "Did I mention no one gets hurt?" The wolves all shake their heads. "I hope you're open to our advice." Zed holds out two Zed for Prez caps, and Wyatt and Willa put them on with fake smiles.

"Oh, it's invaluable to us, right?" Willa asks with a fake happy tone.

"Huh, sounds like this could be a paradise." Wyatt says, as he looks at me.

"Do it like the zombies do." I say to him. We all turn around, thinking that the conversation is done.

"Why should we change? They should be like us." Willa tells us as she throws her cap to the ground and we turn around again. "Yeah, he may eat brains, but he's got no guts. He's gone insane, yeah, he's acting nuts. Come on, we've got moves to bust." Willa motions to the wolves and they all turn around and start to leave.

"Wait!" I tell them. "You should have some Fro-Yo." I see Wyatt's face light up at the mention of Fro-Yo. I remember him being super excited about it when I saw him outside of Zoey's place.

"Uh Mae, what are you doing?" Zed asks me.

"I'm being friendly." I tell him. Wyatt looks to Willa who rolls her eyes.

"Fine whatever." Willa says. The wolves all howl and Wynter comes up and tackles Zed to the floor.

"Ow!" Zed yells out.

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