Call to the Wild

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A/n Above picture is Wilamae's Wolf outfit

Wilamae's POV:

I was at my locker when Addy came up to me.

"Can we go?" She asks me, looking sad.

"What's up?" I ask her, as I grab my history binder and put it in my bag.

"I'll tell you when we get home." She said. I finished grabbing all my stuff and we started walking out of school grounds. As we walked past the pack of wolves, I smiled at Wyatt, who grinned back at me. Addison and I walked home. We went inside and put our bags in our rooms then we headed outside. We climbed up the ladder to our treehouse and I sat on a beanbag. Addison sat next to me, and then she started crying.

"Oh Addy, what's up?" I ask her as I pull her to me.

"Zed and I broke up." She said through tears. Oh that's it, I'm gonna kill that Zombie. "He thinks that I am into Wyatt and that Wyatt is into me."

"Can I tell you something that you can't tell anyone?" I ask her, and she looks up to me.

"Sure." She sat up and looked at me, her eyes red from crying.

"Wyatt and I are dating now." I told her.

"Oh Mae! That's so adorable!" She squeals as she comes forward and hugs me.

"So Zed has no right to have broken up with you." I tell her. "And if he doesn't do anything tomorrow, I will personally kill him." She giggles at me. "Come on. Mum and Dad have this dinner thing so we have to make our own. Oh yeah, Wyatt wants us to meet him and the pack tonight."

"Okay." We climb down and head into the house, where I make my famous two-person Macaroni and Cheese, which we eat as we watch Anastasia. After we finish eating we pause the movie and wash the dishes and then Addy sits on the couch and starts doing her Chemistry homework, while I make us Hot Chocolates. I finished making them and put hers in front of her. I grab out my history book and start writing this essay on the Russian Revolution and how the Tsar failed Russia. As I am in the middle of my essay, Addy asks me for help.

"Don't ask me, I got no idea about that. Ask Bree." She got out her phone and messaged Bree. Not too long after she sent the message there was some scratching and growling.

"Zed?" Addison asked, getting out of her seat. We go to the front door and I open it but no one is there. I look to the door and see claw marks. Yep that's totally not scary. We walk outside, and I put my mug on the seat and look up again, and see Willa, Wyatt and Wynter and their pack.

"Come with us." Wyatt says.

"What's so important?" Addison asks.

"We are, I think." I tell her, linking my arm through hers. We walk down the steps and go over to the pack. "Come on, it'll take your mind off Zed." The pack leads us through the Forbidden Forest as Addy walks with Wynter and I walk with Wyatt.

"Where are we going?" Addison asks Wynter, as we come to a stop.

"It's a wolf secret and if we told you we'd have to kill you." Wynter says, looking to Willa. Willa has a 'what are you doing' face on and Wynter starts again. "Too much? Too much! I knew it, sorry." The wolf cringes at herself. "Welcome!" She opens her arms to Addison and I. "But not too welcome!" Suddenly she starts to cough. I race over to her and grab her just before she hits the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"My necklace is losing its power." She tells me as her coughing fit stops.

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