Chapter 16

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"I told you before to keep your voice down and not get us kicked out." Hitomi admonished Nishinoya with a pointed look. The libero avoided her eyes, fidgeting in place. Although, rather than from nervousness or shame, it was more like he was antsy. It was like he was holding back what he wanted to say.

The two of them had been kicked out of the library for being too much of a disturbance, or rather, for Nishinoya being too much of a disturbance. He had gotten loud and angry at some boys whispering around them.

Hitomi had largely silenced the whispers earlier when she told off another pair of boys for gossiping in the library. Unfortunately, this peace did not last long because these new boys had come in after that confrontation. As such, they hadn't witnessed her scolding and were unaware of the ensuing wrath when they started their own whispering. Except it was Nishinoya who eventually couldn't take it anymore, pouncing on them with a growl and earning him, as well as Hitomi, a ticket out of the public library.

"...I didn't like the way they were looking at you...or talking about you!!" The boy finally shouted out, his brows furrowing deeply with the frown on his lips.

Hitomi gave him a slightly incredulous look. "And you're sure that it's not because they were also making fun of your height?" She thought but didn't say aloud because she knew it was a sore subject for him.

Well, it was true that those boys were being incredibly rude and their words were no better. In fact, they were far more vulgar than the previous pair of boys. Hitomi sighed and raised an eyebrow at him. "What does it matter? I couldn't care less what they were saying. I'm already used to having those things being said about me anyways. I ignored them, so why couldn't you?"

"You shouldn't have to get used to it!!!" Nishinoya declared vehemently, almost surprising the girl. It was obvious that his anger wasn't directed at her but at the situation. She knew that, but his genuine distress was a bit surprising and sort of heartwarming.

Hitomi had met plenty of guys who were the 'chivalrous' type. The kind that had the angle of being nice to women, thinking that it somehow warrants romantic feelings or a reward of some sort. The kind that acted gentlemanly and put down other men for filthy and predatory behavior when they, themselves, were acting just the same but just in a subtler manner.

Nishinoya Yuu wasn't playing that card. In the past, Hitomi wouldn't have hesitated to pin him as such a type. After getting to know him and seeing his expression now, she knew that wasn't what he was doing. He might be a bit of a pushover when it comes to women, but he understands the boundaries.

For that, Hitomi was surprised. Not because she didn't expect him to be respectful to women, but because she was so wholly unused to this. By now, she understood that he was purer and a bit more naïve compared to the guys she was surrounded by thus far, but that didn't mean she would know how to react to such wholesomeness when all she knew was to be cold and uncaring.

The girl looked away in embarrassment. "If you're going to react that way every time a guy talks about me like that, you're going to end up making a lot of enemies." She remarked, starting to walk off in a random direction.

Nishinoya instantly followed her. "I'll fight them all if they lay a hand on you, Hitomi-chan!" He announced with absolute confidence, and Hitomi didn't doubt him at all.

"But..." He started again, looking sheepish. "...I'm sorry for getting us kicked out. Especially after you came all this way just to help me with my summer homework!" He finished with a respectful bow. After a moment, he was still in the bowing position but raised his head slightly to peek up at Hitomi. "...You're not mad...are you...?" He asked with hesitation, his face donning an apprehensive look.

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