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Guilt, a powerful yet a strange feeling. You don't realize your mistake unless you see your loss, and when the guilt settles in, you feel helpless, unable to change what you did, you curse yourself in vain, you punish yourself but nothing makes it better, it leaves you baffled. Especially when you hurt someone you love; the guilt crushes you from inside.

It was 5 in the evening when Jenna called.

"Jess..." she was panting heavily.

"Jesus Jenna!! What's wrong?"

"John...he...he is dead, he was killed, he was murdered Jess" she screamed hysterically.

My hands went numb, I couldn't move nor speak.

"Come to street 12, there is police everywhere and I am losing my shit, for fuck sake please come here!" she pleaded.

All I could do was nod, it felt like I lost my voice. She hunged up and I stood frozen for several minutes. I somehow gathered the strength to close the café and drove to the crime scene.

The scene was straight out of a movie, there were several police cars in the street, the whole warehouse was sealed. I spotted Jenna, she was talking to the sheriff, she looked like she had been shot right in the gut and that she would throw up any second.

I took a deep breath and walked towards her, as soon as she saw me, she came running towards me, hugged me and broke down, her whole body was shaking.

"Omg Jenna" I couldn't control my tears and sobbed.

"The kids would be home any minute Jess, wh-at will I t-ell them" she had turned blue from all the crying.

"Let's get out of here, ill come with you, I'll stay over tonight okay.." I rubbed her shoulders to calm her down.

"Yes, the sheriff has called me tomorrow morning for investigation, we can leave for now, he took away all his belongings...Jess omg his face, he... he was.." she had her face in her hands now, I felt so helpless, I somehow helped her walk towards the car.

She didn't speak a word till we reached her house, as soon as we entered, she burst into tears and dropped on the floor.

" Jenna listen to me, listen, whatever happened was unfair, its horrific, I can't even imagine what you must me feeling, they will find the killer, listen to me they will find the killer, we have to stay strong for the kids okay" I managed to say with all the strength I had, though my own eyes were sore with all the crying.

She nodded feebly, "I won't tell the kids anything today, I can't, I can't face them, I can't tell them their daddy is dead. They are so young Jess, how will they take all this"

She wasn't talking to me anymore; she was battling with herself. I went to the kitchen and made some lemon tea.

"Here have this and take a nap, Ill handle everything."

She had the tea in few minutes and went to her room. I knew she wouldn't sleep now, but I had to give her some space.

The kids came in soon, they were excited to see me.

"Jessica! We missed you!!" they both squealed in happiness and hugged me.

"Hey kiddos!!" I managed to be as cheerful as possible.

"Your mommy is extremely tired today so ill be making the dinner, go get fresh now."

After three hours I had put both the kids to bed, they didn't ask about John, they were used to him working at night.

I knocked at Jenna's door and few minutes later she opened up looking awful.

"Oh god Jenna" I hugged her, that was all I could do.

"Everything will be alright, we will get through this okay, I am right by your side, I am with you. I am staying with you for as many days as you want. Jenna we will get past this believe me we will, just stay strong. You are a strong person you know that right?"

She nodded and then we went to bed, I hugged her and tried to soothe her. I could hear her small sobs and finally after 4 long hours she slept.


Jessica stayed like a strong pillar with me the whole night. I took all the courage and went to the Stowe police station at 8 in the morning. Jess had promised me she would look after the kids.

An officer took me to the interrogation room. It was a small room with only one tube light. There was a small table in the middle with two glasses of water and a voice recorder, there were two metallic chairs positioned opposite to each other across the table.

I was asked to sit and was told that the sheriff would be joining soon.

After 15 mins the sheriff walked in., we shook hands then he sat down.

"Mrs Smith, I hope you are doing okay" He was very formal.

"This is just an interrogation, relax and answer our questions, you are not our suspect. But since you were the person who reported the crime it's in our protocol to question you first".

"I understand Mr Sheriff". I replied.

"So, we have gone through the forensic report. There are marks on his hands, the report says that he was tied with a rope and tortured, there are signs of struggle, and then he was killed with a knife..."

"okay" I managed to breathe somehow and drank some water.

"There is something else Mrs Smith that you should know..." he looked pitiful.

"You can tell me whatever it is Mr Sheriff"

"Did you know your husband was having an affair?"

I gulped. "No, th-ats that's not possible" I stammered.

"I am afraid he was having an affair; we found some text exchanges and things were looking pretty serious. We think she might be our prime suspect as we found some long strands of hair in the crime scene, we will see if it matches with the DNA of the suspect."

"May I ask who was the woman he was having an affair with?"

"Yes, its Ms Jessica Davis, owner of the café ' Aroma Mocha in this town, she is our prime suspect".

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