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Ms Jessica Davis was on time. She had a straight face and she looked like she was on a business tour.

"Good morning Mr Sheriff" she gave short nod.

"Good morning Ms Davis, let's get started with the investigation" I said.

"Tell me about your relationship with Mr Smith, how did it start? Were you both serious?" I asked

"Umm" She hesitated for a minute.

"It was two years ago sheriff; John was a regular customer in my café. We both became good friends over time, he was always sweet to me, discussed about my business, dropped me home once or twice and would listen to my problems. When Jenna started having troubles in her marriage I decided to stop talking to him..." She looked down and took a deep breath then continued.

"But he wouldn't stop following, he told me he wasn't happy with Jenna and that he genuinely liked me. I fell for him too and couldn't stop myself, I regret that." She looked guilty.

"We kept seeing each other, went out few times, he would often spend the night with me. But then Jenna was breaking down, she cried one day saying John was changing and that he wasn't coming home regularly. I felt horrible and decided to talk to John. He didn't care at all, his words were, "she is stupid just forget her", that's when I realised that he just used women. He didn't have any respect for his own wife. I tried to break things up but he some how convinced me to stay, he told me he was serious about me and that he wants a future with me. I fell for it again, but over time he started acting weirdly, I found out he was with many other women and it broke me. So, I called him that night to the bar, I told him it was over for real and then we both argued for a while and left. The next evening, I found out he was murdered." Her expressions were unreadable, she looked lost.

"After you left the bar, where did you go?" I asked.

"I went back home, talked to my mother and slept." She sighed.

"We might call you again if we need anything, after giving your finger prints and DNA sample, you may leave Ms Davis" I said.

It was late in the afternoon when Joe returned.

"I believe no one ever liked John, the neighbours said he was very irresponsible, never looked after the kids, always fought with Jenna. They all say Jenna is a sweet person with a kind soul." He sighed.

"But there is something else that I found..." he continued.


It was almost evening when I got a call from the police station. They needed to question me again.

I had barely even taken my seat.

"Mrs Smith, you lied during a police investigation about your whereabouts the night Mr Smith was murdered. You were not happy in your marriage therefore you had a strong motive. Few witnesses from the bar confessed you were asking for a gun in exchange of money... the same night he was murdered and you looked desperate. I am afraid if we find any strong evidence against you, we might file a charge-sheet and arrest you for murder of Mr Smith. If you want you can hire a lawyer and then we won't be able to question you unless we get an order from the court."

I gulped.

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