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Betrayal; it can break the strongest of bonds. You confide everything in one person, give in completely to that one person and then in a second the trust is shattered to pieces like broken glass. Confronting that person takes a toll on you, it's like walking on those glass pieces, every step you take to question that person hurts you in return. You start questioning yourself, did you leave any loopholes in your relationship? you start searching for reasons; or else why would the one person who knew all your insecurities, your pain, suffering and your love for them would be so cruel to use them against you.

The woman definitely looked very disturbed. It was clear from her face that she had just been hit in the gut with the news.

"Mrs Smith, I understand this might be very hard on you. Do have some water" She mechanically drank the whole glass of water and I could see she was sobbing quietly.

I offered her a handkerchief.

"Thank you, Mr Sheriff." she smiled meekly.

"We have to go ahead with the investigation Mrs Smith". She nodded and somehow composed herself.

"The post-mortem report says that Mr Smith was murdered around 5 in the morning. Could you tell me, where were you that night? What all happened the next day?"

"I was sleeping with the kids the night he was murdered. I thought John was working for the night, he usually does without informing. The next day it was our anniversary but I thought he forgot about it and couldn't call... Later in the evening I called in his office because I was getting worried. The receptionist said he didn't come to work that day. Then I found the note which I gave you yesterday, it led me to the warehouse and then...I saw him dead...a-and i-immediately dialed 911." Her voice was hoarse from all the crying.

"I am sorry Sheriff its just too much to take in". She looked in pain.

"I understand, we will do everything in our power to find the killer Mrs Smith. We might call you again if we need more information, you can go home now, take some rest." I gave a polite smile to her.

She thanked me and left.


I could feel the fire building up inside me, all I felt at the moment was rage, blinding me completely. All this while they made a fool out of me. Jessica, who was talking about not leaving my side yesterday, was fucking my husband behind my back. She had the balls to lie to my face all this fucking time. All those days when I cried in front of her, told her how John and I were falling apart, she comforted me, now I know that bitch was probably laughing behind my back, maybe feeling sorry for my stupidity. All those nights when I cried alone in my bed, they both were fucking each other and the worst part was that I went to Jessica the very next day to confide in her.

I couldn't go home and face her, part of me still couldn't believe that she could do this to me. I wished all this was a nightmare and I could wake up. I only loved two people and both of them crushed me. I started questioning myself, what did I ever do to deserve this? Loving someone unconditionally was wrong? If he never loved me then why did he let himself in, why did he give himself the power to get inside my walls. Was I a bad friend? all I remembered was how Jess and I always swore to protect each other from anything, how she would always be my warrior. I always supported her, stood by her in her dark times; and here I was betrayed by both of them. I could feel my head bursting with all sorts of thoughts.

I went to the common park to clear up my mind. I needed some fresh air.

An hour later I gathered up my courage, I had to be strong. I took deep breaths and started to drive.

Jessica was in the kitchen cooking pancakes and the kids were playing in the garden, no one could say that a man had died in this house.

"Jessica and I have some work, Ill be back home very soon, I need you guys to stay inside until I am back, okay?" I told Rose, I tried not to sound too harsh, my poor kids had no idea what was going on.

"But mommy we wanted to go out for shopping today, Jessica said she would take us out." Rose said, frowning a little.

"No Rose, we are not going out anywhere today, ill talk to you after coming back, now take your sister inside will you?" I said in a stern voice. She nodded quietly and went inside with Lila. I didn't want to take out my anger on my kids, that would be unfair. I had to confront Jessica.

I walked up to the kitchen with a stern face, she was busy baking the pancakes.

"Could you come outside for a minute Jessica" My voice sounded rough.

"Ok-kay". She said with a straight face, bet she saw this coming.

We were outside the house gate when I turned around and faced her. I took several deep breaths.

"I know about you and John." I finally managed to the say the words, each word stabbed me back.

Her expressions froze.

"I don't want to hear any explanations, all I want is that you stay away from my kids, you are a prime suspect and I can't let a criminal near my children." I snapped.

Her expressions were now mortified. She blinked several times at me before speaking.

"Jenna...listen to me, I know what I did is unforgivable, but believe me I am dying of guilt. I had ended my relationship with him Jenna. But I swear, I didn't kill him, I am not a killer for Christ's sake, you know me." She pleaded.

"No, I don't, you even swore that you would always be by my side and that you will stay loyal to me, so no, I don't believe you. Let me tell you this, you know quite well that this is a small town, when people come to know that you had an affair with a married man and that you are a lead suspect in a murder case, they will shut your beloved café and I'll make sure that happens." I threatened her.

"I'll do anything to make it up to you, just give me a chance." Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Well I want to see you getting completely destroyed." I fumed in anger.

She didn't say any other word and left.


Junior officer Mr Black had just returned from investigating the blocks near street 12.

"Sir the whole town is in frenzy, it's the first case of murder in this town."

I sighed.

"I know Joey, so what did you find?"

"The only public place in this town which has a surveillance camera is the Town Bar, it's also very near to the crime spot so we checked the footage. Mr Smith was present in the pub that night along with Ms Davis, they both left the bar around 1 am."

"Okay...what else did you find?" I asked.

"We checked his phone records and his text messages; I must say he was very popular among the ladies. He also wasn't a very pleasant man I believe, he got death threats almost on a daily basis. But this one text caught our attention, it was sent by his step mother, Mrs Alice Smith, she had texted him that she hoped she had never adopted him and could kill him, the text was sent on the same night he got murdered."

"She lives few blocks away from the warehouse, doesn't she?" I asked.

"Yes sir, the thing is we checked the CCTV footage of the Bar's parking lot and we spotted her talking to Jenna Smith".

"Jenna Smith."?

"Yes sir, it looked like they were quarrelling, they both left in a car exactly half an hour before Mr Smith did."

"So, Jenna lied about her whereabouts." I thought out loud.

"We need to investigate further Joe, we have our three suspects; Ms Jessica Davis, Mrs Alice Smith and Mrs Jenna Smith..."

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