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Rage; makes you it's puppet and you are driven by it. It fills your heart with poison and burns your soul. You lose sense of what's right and wrong, you do anything to take that fire out and if you have burning since a long time, you are capable of doing anything. You are capable of taking someone's life.

It's been five months since the murder. The poor Sheriff went berserk and searched the whole town, all the gardens, cafes, public places, barged into the houses with search warrants and searched the crime scene several times to find any evidence but everything was a waste of time. It wasn't a complete failure though; he caught some petty drug dealers, even a 15-year-old kid could do that to be honest. I have to admit, it was fun watching the entire police committee go in a merry-go-round in their stupid cars. I often felt like going up-to the sheriff and laugh at his face for his stupidity, he was such a nut. It wasn't any fun at all! I wanted some more of that adrenaline rush. No wonder the case was declared closed yesterday and the sheriff got transferred to some small town. I accept I was petrified in the beginning, after all it was my first murder. I used to jump at every phone call. When they came into the house with search warrant, my heart was in my mouth the entire time, but of course, the police couldn't find anything. I looked up at the evening sky and couldn't stop myself from smirking, I was smarter than them. Oh, I still remember John's face, his desperation and his angst, begging me to spare him. God that was a drug to me! The high a smooth murder gives is vicious and powering.

It was around 3 am. I was walking in circles in my living room after coming back from the bar, 'how could he' the thought kept whirling in my head, my breathing was rapid and I could feel my blood boiling in my veins, my head could explode any second and just like that a murder plan popped in my head. It's a wonder how marvelously your brain works when you are angry. I didn't stop for a second to think, I knew I had to kill him.

He was not at home, he loved roaming around in the night. So, I called him.

"I need to talk to you." I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"At this hour? Can't this wait until tomorrow? I am busy." He sounded bored.

"Well it can't wait honey; I have a surprise for you and I need you to pick me up" I tried to sound as sensuous as possible in all that anger.

"Okay" he sounded surprised.

"Ill pick you up in about half an hour"? I knew he was a spineless man and would fall for it.

"Yes, will be waiting" I said in the same tone and I could almost hear his desperation.

Exactly half an hour later he was at the door step. He stopped for a second after looking at me.

"Why are you dressed up like that" He chuckled. I was wearing a shower cap and gloves on a navy-blue short dress with a heavy makeup. I was dressed to kill.

"It's part of the role play." I winked at him and kissed him.

He was taken aback.

"You seem in a good mood, I thought after our last fight you would be upset..." I put a finger on his lips and shushed him.

"shh" I looked into his big blue eyes and kissed him again, this time more passionately.

"I want to make this night special for you" I whispered softly.

His eyes were dancing with excitement. He kissed me back.

"Can't wait." He smirked.

"Follow my lead then, this night would be different for us, it would be like a night you never had." I said.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling, my heart was racing, I was about to kill someone and at that moment there was no turning back.

I took him to the abandoned warehouse located at street 12, I loved exploring so I had found that place one morning while jogging. I had made up my mind that someday I would renovate it and make it my personal store room or something, I had no idea it would become a murder place.

He stepped out of the car and stood for a while, curiously studying the place.

"This looks spooky as hell" He scoffed.

He had no idea what was waiting inside for him.

I didn't come out of the car and he noticed.

"Are we supposed to go inside or you want to surprise me in the car itself?" I could tell that he was very excited.

"Lift me up and take me inside but if you are not strong enough then its fine" I said in a mischievous voice.

Couldn't risk getting mud stains on my shoes then leaving shoe prints inside the warehouse, had to keep them clean.

"You seem different" He was beaming. He lifted me up, walked up to the warehouse and gently put me down at the porch. We both pushed the heavy iron door and stepped inside.

I gently placed my hand bag on a table, took out my shoes and placed them in a corner. I swiftly took out a long rope from my handbag.

"Wow, you are all prepared" He said in wonder.

"Yes, sweetheart, never been this prepared for anything" I smiled at him.

"Now now enough talking, ummm" I looked around and found an old chair lying at a corner,

"Honey, go and sit on that chair" He looked a bit confused so I pouted at him.

He then shook his head and chuckled. "You are such a mystery"

He went and sat on the chair.

I almost danced my way to him, not breaking eye contact the entire time.

I started humming then slowly tied his hands to the chair with the rope.

He was laughing the entire time, felt sorry for him.

I looked at him and bit my lips, and started undressing myself. His eyes were hungry.

"Let me touch you" he almost growled.

"Can you get up honey?" I asked him while I gently dropped my top on the floor.

He tried his best to get up but couldn't

"God, you have tied me pretty well, I am sure this would leave marks, my little kidnapper" He laughed.

"Well well" I said

I walked over to my handbag, took out my knife and turned around to face him.

His expressions froze.

"What are you doing" His voice broke.

"I am going to kill you John" I glared at him.

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