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"I have no problem with the investigation sheriff, I don't need a lawyer. I apologise for not saying the truth earlier. I can explain everything" She said each word with caution and looked dead scared.

"Ok Mrs Smith, tell me the truth this time" I replied.

She sighed

"I was afraid of John" she took a pause then continued "he used to hurt me physically and even emotionally he was a lot to deal with. I had my doubts that he was having an affair, it was breaking me every day, I had to find out the truth. So, after he left home that night saying he had some work, I followed him. At the bar I couldn't see Jessica's face clearly in the crowd so I didn't know it was her, I saw them from behind and they were probably kissing. I lost my shit sheriff; I don't know what had gotten into me... I knew there were some people in the bar who sold guns and drugs. I found out about them from the bartender, bribed him to give me the contact. He took me to a guy and I asked him for a gun, I gave him money and he said he would get me the gun next morning. When I was heading to the parking lot, Alice saw me, she always disliked me. We both had gotten into an argument, she is a mean person, never liked her son, she always complained about adopting him. She had gotten on my nerves that night and she told me she wouldn't make a fuss if I dropped her home, which I did later. After that I went straight home Sheriff, I have kids, where else would I go... I have nothing to do with my husband's death. I did want to kill him that night but I somehow composed myself and went to sleep, I couldn't kill the person I loved no matter what he had become. I even called that guy to tell him not to get me the gun, you can interrogate him too. I didn't tell you this earlier because I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me" She was shivering, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Just because you didn't take the gun, we can't rule you out as a suspect, because you had motive moreover the murder weapon is a knife. It's the town's first murder case Mrs Smith, whole town is afraid that there is a murderer on loose. Everyone is putting their faith in me. I am a sheriff, I cannot just blindly believe somebody. We need proofs. You have no proof about your whereabouts from 2 am to 5 am. So, you are still a suspect. You had motive, you wanted to kill him, you were not in your home that night, you were the only person who found the crime scene and that note; which has only two sets of fingerprints, yours and your husband's. So, either your husband wrote that note or it was written by you as a distraction. We will have our handwriting experts find that out. So, Mrs Smith if we get any strong evidence against you, you will be arrested. Till then you cannot leave town, is that understood?"

"Yes Sheriff" She looked pale.

Exactly two hours later Joe returned from his investigation.

"Sir, I guess you were correct. The wrist-watch which we found in the crime scene, belongs to Mrs Alice Smith; few hair strands match with Alice's DNA and few other strands match with Jenna's DNA. The people in bar confirmed that Mrs Jenna Smith looked very disturbed when she left with Mrs Alice Smith. I guess they both called Mr John to the warehouse, tortured him then killed him." He looked excited.

"Those hair strands don't give us a strong evidence against Jenna Smith, they might have fallen down when she discovered the body...But we do have something against Alice, call her for investigation right now" I said


"Why have I been called again?" she looked annoyed and that irritated me.

"Mrs Smith do you recognize this watch?" I showed her the evidence.

"Omg yes! I lost it few weeks ago, it's a very expensive one. Where did you find it!?" she asked

"At the crime scene, we have evidences which tell us that you were present at the crime scene that night so..." she didn't even let me finish.

"What rubbish! After Jenna dropped me home, I called few of my friends, we were partying till next morning. I have photographs. You can even question my friends." She showed me some photo graphs, she was at home till 6 am.

"Okay, you may leave Mrs Smith; we need to investigate further and yes till the case is solved you cannot leave town."

"It's that bitch, she is after the whole money, she doesn't want me to get the other 50 and is framing me, you people are so lousy, you should have arrested her by now. My son was tortured his whole life by her and now she will be enjoying his money! Disgusting!" she glared at me and left.


"Report from the handwriting experts say that the note wasn't written by Jenna or John. But they are also saying not to be 100 percent sure as some murderers in the past have proved to change their cursive writings completely ,which is very difficult. So, one might say that Jenna completely changed her writing, each and every stroke or that the note was written by a third person. We can't say anything for sure Sir. I also talked to Alice's friends and her neighbours, they confirmed that she was partying till the next morning. Which means she wasn't present at the murder scene that night." He looked disappointed.

"Fuck this Joe. We don't have any strong evidence against Jenna. Alice is out of picture but we still got evidence of her being present at the crime scene which means that...the evidence was tampered...someone created a fake murder scene to confuse us. We cannot arrest anyone based on the evidences found in the crime scene. We have to find the murder weapon, the rope and the knife. Search the whole bloody town Joe! investigate further, take as many officers as you want and don't leave any stone un turned. If we don't find those evidences Joe...this case would be closed and I can't let that happen" I was losing my shit.

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