Chapter 31

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It was the Christmas season and I had already gotten Tori her present which was a shiny ring made out of nothing but the rarest diamonds in the world. I had been planning on proposing to Vega for months now and now looked like the perfect time to finally put a ring on it. I was planning on bringing  her on a picnic later today and proposing just as fireworks lit up the sky forming the words 'Vega I love you, will you make me the happiest woman alive and say yes'.  But for now I guess I had to wait for the end of the school day to propose to Vega.

I walked into class a few seconds later looking way too happy for it not to become suspicious so I knew that I had to act like a massive dick today in school that way no one would be suspicious of why I was so happy cause I sure as hell didn't want my present to Vega this year to be ruined.

"I do love short pants." I heard Cat say as I was getting into the classroom.

"Yeah, guess what I love?" I equipped back sarcastically feeling ready to throw some shade Cat's way.

"What?" Cat said looking down innocently.

"Slapping perky red heads." I told Cat as I began to take a seat that wasn't at my usual seat but since it was Christmas and I knew how much Vega wanted to sit in the front I figured that I would make an exception just this once for her.

"Now Jade don't be a Christmas grunch." Sikowitz said as he began to stuff some things into a hobbo looking stalking. 

Rex just laughed as Robbie tried to purse his lip like he was a cool guy "Ha ha ha, grunch that's my word" Rex said as all I thought about was punching Robbie on the lips. I hated guys who pursed their lips it was one of the many things that I hated.

Tori and Andre had walked into the classroom arguing about something. Once Tori sat down I moved my seat closer to Vega's and wrapped my toned muscular arm around her. 

"Ho ho ho and jingle bells." Robbie said as he began to creep his fingers up Andre's leg causing Andre to flip his chair over in a fit of rage getting a protest from Tori to stop while he was at it. 

"I bet that jingled his bells." I said before taking a sip of  my coffee and getting a playful slap on the arm from my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry but all yall could keep Christmas spirit to yourself." Andre told everyone not in the mood for Christmas and I would honestly have felt the same way if today wasn't the day that me and Tori where to finally get engaged.

"Andre you got a beef with Christmas?" Sikowitz asked as he jumped off the stage and began to walk towards Andre.

"I love Christmas beef every year but my brother steals all the beef and then rubs it against his..." Cat began to bubble on until I interrupted her getting way to disturbed with this story, man did Cat's brother need a girlfriend or to at least to go to a mental institution again.

"Cat!" I said telling her that this story wasn't appropriate and accidently waking Beck up in the process.

"Hey, hey." Beck said as to warn me to keep my voice down since he was tired probably from the cricket that had infested his RV. "You woke me up." Beck informed me.

"Oh, sorry Beck certantily wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class." SIkowitz sarcastically equipped as he went down to pick up the chair that Andre had previously flipped over. 

"Thanks your the best." Beck said not catching on to the sarcasm as he just went back to sleep.

"Now before I get my wika..." Sikowitz started off as he did a side kick obviously ignoring Beck's stupidity while he was at it "Teach on Andre why the sour puss?" Sikowitz asked as he took a seat and put a fist up to his chin to help relax his face.

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