Chapter 2

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I didn't know what time I fell asleep last night but when I woke up I felt a new sense of determination. The fire must have gone out later in the night. The room isn't as cold as last night. I get up from the couch and go to my closet to grab some clothes. Last night was still on my mind. I had to find a spell to prove myself to the coven. A spell that wouldn't make everyone think all I do is mess up.

I walk into my bathroom and turn on the water in my clawfoot bathtub. I let the water fill up, strip out of my clothes, and step into the tub. I felt better after a long soak. I get out and stand in front of the mirror. My black hair is in box braids with dark purple hair mixed in so I don't have to do anything with it. I wash my face and take a look in the mirror. My dark brown skin is clear and blemish-free. I was lucky not to worry about having pimples. Spells didn't fix everything but little stuff like preventing acne did.

I put on a black off the shoulder long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and black converse. I finish out of the bathroom and back into my room. After walking and feeding Tator and Tot I decided the best place to find the spell I would need would be at home.

Home. The place I haven't been in almost two years. I didn't want to go but I felt I needed to. There was too much pain there but if I wanted this to work I would have to hold in that pain. I grabbed my purse, car keys, and walked out of my room. I hear the lock click into place and walk down the stairs.

It's Saturday so we didn't have class today. Since we weren't allowed to be around humans often. We have teachers who not only teach us about magic but college classes to get our degree. I still have no idea what I want to study so I've been focusing on my magic more.

The magic classes were about spells, combat, learning the rules of the supernatural community, and anything else they chose to teach us in order to protect the supernaturals. There are four levels until you're allowed to leave the coven house and go on your own. I turn nineteen in two months which is the same time I will finish level one and move on to level two. Each level is a new set of skills we have to learn.

Level one: is basic magic. I didn't have a problem with spells because mom taught me everything she knows. It was the controlling of the spell that I had a problem with.

Level two: is strengthening not only mentally but physically. Witches are the protectors of the supernatural community. We make sure that not only are the humans safe from the supernatural but that the supernatural are safe from themselves.

Level three: is when we're allowed to go out on missions. There are rules in place when it comes to how we operate in the supernatural community. When supernaturals break those rules, it's our job to come to clean it up. We're keeping the supernatural community safe and a secret. No matter what we do, it has to benefit not only the coven you're in but for the whole witch community.

Level four: is when everything is combined together to test our skills as a witch. We're tested not only in front of our coven but in front of the Elders. The Elders decide if we're ready.

Just as I'm about to open the front door, an annoying voice stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mira asked.

She has curly dark brown hair and brown skin. She's wearing a red crop top and jean shorts. Her three minions stand behind her, in similar shorts but different colored shirts.

They acted like this was high school. Mira was delusional enough to think she runs the mansion because her mom is Aunt Michelle. Which unfortunately made us cousins. Everyone in the house besides me treated her like a princess. They all thought because her mom is a High Priestess that she would be too. That's not how it works. The Elders choose who becomes the next High Priestess and that won't happen for another decade.

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