Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up with a clear head I'm going to find out how to break this bond to Cain. I'm not going to be anyone's keeper or key whatever. I barely have my magic under control, I can't be some curse holder for some really hot ancient guy.

I go back to my house determined but I'm thrown off when I get to the front door and there is a note waiting for me.

Elsie, I have something to take care of. I will return soon. -Cain

What that heck. What could he possibly have to take care of? I just accidentally freed him. You know what? This is great. He's not my problem anymore. With a new pep in my step, I get back in the car and drive back to the coven house. I park my car and make it just in time for my first class of the day.

The classrooms in the coven house are like normal classrooms with desks and chairs. I take my regular seat in the back with Patrick and Cynthia in front of me.

Cynthia turns around in her chair to glare at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You know what. I almost pissed myself because I was so scared what the High Priestess would do to me if you didn't come home."

"She wouldn't do anything to you."

She rolls her eyes. "I think you sometimes forget that we aren't all related to her. She'd punished us."

"She punished me. I have to help the brownies clean. She knows how much I hate cleaning."

"Elsie, cleaning is nothing compared to being stripped of your magic."

"She wouldn't do that."

"If it came to your safety. She definitely would."

Cynthia turns back around and Patrick doesn't even look at me. Guilt takes over me. I'm about to apologize when someone takes a seat next to me.

"Hey, El."

I smile at Jaxon. His black hair is in twists, his eyes are a deep brown, he's way taller than me and has abs for days. I know that because he's my friend with benefits. I didn't do the whole boyfriend thing. Guys are too much trouble. I much rather sex it up and part ways. And Jaxon is perfect for it. He doesn't try to overstep and he respects my boundaries. We never talked about it but he understands that I don't like getting close to people. I've had too many people leave me.


"I tried texting you this morning."

"Sorry, busy morning."

He nods. "We should get together later today? Get some food?"


I turn around in the front with Professor Evans walks into the room. He has dark skin, a shaved head, and a big stomach.

"Good Evening. Today we will talk about Illusions."

Everyone groans including me. I am not looking forward to the whole working a job thing when graduation was here. I wasn't lazy when it came to hard work, I just don't want to do it. Especially if they try to make me a guard. Guards protect the witches and humans. If there were ever a war between any other supernatural the guards would be on the frontline. I was more of a behind the scenes kind of girl.

"Illusions are like masks. They hide what's really behind the mask." He walks over to his desk and puts his briefcase down. "Witches that make the Illusion can make you see whatever they want you to. The only downfall is the Illusion can be ruined if the Illusionist is killed or harmed. If you want the Illusion gone, cut down the Illusionist." He claps his hands. "Now, let's practice. Can I get a volunteer?" He looks around the room and his eyes land on me. "Miss Clermont. Thank you."

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