Chapter 3

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When I finally regain my footing I stand up and take a step back.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, hesitantly. "And what the hell is this?" gesturing towards the key on my wrist.

He cocks his head. "Which question would you like me to answer first?"

"Who are you?"

"I have many names but you may call me Kane." his voice is deep and rough like he doesn't use it often. His accent sounds mixed and I can't seem to place it. It's like he's traveled all of the world and took a little bit of each place in his voice. It's weird and intriguing. "And as for the key, you took ownership of my curse therefore we are bound together."

Fire is spread around him, not burning him. It seemed to be trying to get away from him. Like it didn't want to be near him.

He could easily tower over me with his staggering height. He looks a couple of years older than me. His skin is tan, his light brown hair is down his back, he has a beard that is overgrown and he looks like he workouts every hour. It looks like... is that an eight pack? Goddess, he makes the rest of us look bad. I forget for a second how terrified I am.

"What curse? I didn't take ownership of anything. I was forced to do that spell. I had no choice." My eyes widen. "Did you do that to me?"

He looks around before answering my question. "I influenced you. The rest was all you. The spell can only work if the witch that performs it wants it to work." he stated in a calm tone.

So I really did this. I freed him. I freed a monster. He has to be a monster. What else comes out of a hole that had growls coming out. I can't deny that I went in with a purpose but it wasn't this one. I just wanted to do something that would prove to my coven that I wouldn't be the mess up they all believed. Whoever or whatever he is, isn't going to achieve that.

"Where am I?" he asked

"Oklahoma. My house to be precise." I answered absentmindedly.

"Oklahoma?" his brow furrowed. "What year is it?"


His face hardened. "Sixty fucking years. That bloody whore."

"Uh. Who's a whore?"

"The woman who put me in my prison."

"Your prison? Are you like a criminal or something?" I took another step back as if that could somehow do anything.

This guy looked like he could pick me up and throw me with his pinkie finger. He wasn't overly muscular but he looked like he could easily handle me. And that just sounded weirdly sexually.

"My only crime would be letting my anger get the better of me."

Sounds like he needs therapy.

"Uh huh. And your prison didn't provide you with clothes?" I gesture towards his still very naked body. I look behind him to see that the hole in the floor has closed up.

He looks down and doesn't seem bothered with being naked in front of a stranger. "They burned as I was coming through the portal."

I raised an eyebrow. "That wasn't a portal. I've seen portals. They don't come out of the ground."

"This portal had to. My prison is under this world."

"Where is your prison?"

"A place where only nightmares and monsters live."

I bristle."What kind of monster are you?"

He smiled at my question. He was starting to scare me even more. I don't care how hot he is. Hot guys can be crazy too. I'm not one of those girls to just let their guard down for a hot guy. I mean if he was like Michael B. Jordan hot then maybe I would consider it. He might even be hotter than Michael. Oh, I'm so screwed and not in a good way.

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