Chapter 9

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"Are you okay?" I asked when I finally caught up to Cain in the middle of the hallway.

He has much longer legs than me so I pretend that I don't need to catch my breath from practically running after him. 

Lilith. I just watched him talk to Lilith the queen of Hell. They talked as if they were both playing a game and neither of them wanted to make the first move. I saw how angry Cain was. I would be too if I just got out of the prison that I was forced into and the person who put me there wanted to have a friendly chat.

"No. I'm not okay. I need to find my Loyal and fast. She'll move them. I know it."

I shouldn't feel bad for him. He kidnapped me and yet as I look at him I see how distraught he is. Like his whole world is falling apart. Sometimes I wish I could shut that morally right side of me down for a while.

"Is that why you got us plane tickets without asking me?"

"Yes. We need to leave as soon as possible."

"I can't just leave. I have to get permission from my High Priestess which won't be easy."

He stops walking and looks lost in thought.

"Okay, I understand. I'll have someone take you home."

And he walks away like that's that. I begin to fully process what I just did. I'm going to help Cain go against Lilith, the queen of Hell to find his Loyal. Four people that I've never even met before and I have no idea where they are. I almost want to slap myself because sometimes I am an idiot by not getting more information before agreeing to something.

I grab my phone and see messages from practically everyone in the coven. I ignore them and dial Cynthia's number.

"I'm going to kill you," she said when she answered the phone.

"Aren't you glad I'm not already dead?"

I could feel her glare through the phone.

"Do you have any idea the kind of trouble you're in?"

"I can already imagine the punishment Aunt Michelle is going to inflict."

"Punishment? Oh no, she's way past that. She said something about burning a witch."

I rolled my eyes. "What dark sense of humor she has."

"Elsie, she's seriously mad. Someone called the council of Elders."

That had me in serious mode. "Who?"

"No idea. All I know is that she said they had someone inside the mansion watching us. With all the disappearing you've been doing lately, someone noticed." she paused and lowered her voice. "They think you're going to change the same way your mom did."

"The council doesn't know what they're talking about. I didn't purposely leave. I was freaking kidnapped." I fumed.

"By who?"

I still haven't told Cynthia and Patrick what's been going on. I think part of me is afraid of how they're going to react. The other part of me was scared to get them involved. But I have to, I need them more than ever.

"I'll explain when I get home."

"You better El," she said and hung up.

It isn't long until I hear a knock on my door and go to open it. A woman with light skin,  blue eyes, and blonde hair in a tight bun looks down at me.

"Mr. Adams has asked me to take you home."

"Right. Let me just get my stuff."

I look around and don't find my dress or anything I had on before I got here. The only thing I could find was a bag at the end of the bed and when I opened it everything I had on last night was cleaned and neatly in the bag. I still haven't asked Cain who dressed me last night. If I find out it was him I will castrate him. I grab the bag and follow the woman outside the house. I stop for a second not sure why but I'm hoping Cain will come out and at least say goodbye. The woman turns around when she notices I'm not following her anymore.

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