Chapter 7

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Elsie. The bloody witch. Cain was feeling angry at how much she was bothering him. Ever since she freed him and took over his curse all she did was ask question after question. He didn't blame her for wanting to know more about herself, but it was frustrating for him. There was too much going on around him. He doesn't fully know this new world just yet. He had to be careful about what he says and does. Hell has eyes everywhere and the last thing he needed is information getting back to Lucifer or Lilith.

Not everyone in his house is trustworthy. Answering one question can lead to a world of trouble. For both of them. It's better for Elsie to stay in her place and let him handle this. He'll protect her but he'll do it his way. If she were ever harmed or worse killed, his monster would break loose and he didn't need that problem. Not when he was about to start a war.

Cain walked down the hall and toward his office. He hadn't been in this house in decades. Nothing had changed. Adelaide made sure of it. She knew Cain hated change. He liked order and now that he was out of purgatory,  he was determined to get everything back the way it used to be.

Purgatory his personal prison. Flashes of blood, bones, and flesh filled his mind. The things he had to do to survive would leave the strongest of them scarred. Aside from the scars and bite parts on his body he seemed fine , but on the inside, there was a war raging in him. He not only had to keep the past at bay but he had to make sure his monster stay put. The key on Elsie's wrist helped make that happen. Lilith designed it years ago and she used to be the one wearing it until she threw him in Purgatory, letting his monster run free.

Just as he expected, Adelaide was sitting on one of the two chairs in front of his desk. Without saying a word, he walked over to the silver tray next to his desk to poured two drinks of bourbon. He hands one off to her before sitting in the leather seat behind the desk. Cain couldn't believe how good it felt to just sit. When you're running for your life, you couldn't sit down and relax.

"She shouldn't exist." is the first thing to come out of her mouth.

The body she's wearing has a similar face to the one Cain first met her in. Straight mint green hair, pale skin, and a tall lean body. It seems like it was yesterday when he was forced to live in Hell. Adelaide had welcomed him with open arms no matter how many times Cain pushed her away. She never gave up on him. One of the reasons Cain cared so dearly for her because she reminded him of Adam because of how caring and supportive she was.

His adopted father had been someone he looked up to for years. He'd always wished he could be as strong and caring as Adam was. But of course, Eve had to spread her legs and instead of being the son of the man he looked up to, he was the son of a man who did nothing but bring pain to everyone he met.

"And yet she does," he replied.

"They were all killed. If someone finds out what she is, they will kill her."

"I'm aware of that. That's why I'm here. I have a necklace that will tone down what's inside of her."

Adelaide shakes her head. "That's only a temporary fix. What you need to do is hand her over to Them and they will handle it."

Cain's eyes narrowed and he could feel his monster peeking his head out the metaphorically locked door he kept his monster in. Her eyes widen as she felt him. Cain pushed him back to the depths of his mind. They are at constant war. Always fighting for the spotlight.

"She won't be going anywhere unless I say otherwise."

Cain walked over to the bookcase and pulled out an ancient book that has been with him for a long time. He opens it and finds the necklace hidden between the pages. He lifts it up by its gold chain as the red ruby hits the light coming in from the window, just right to sparkle. He could feel it's power humming. This was one of Cain's most prized possessions and he was giving it away to some woman he barely knew.

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