Chapter 15

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Chills run through my body and not from the cold tomb we're walking through but from the darkness, I felt earlier. I touched something inside me that I never knew existed. It opened up and almost suffocated my friends. I knew that if we weren't forced to be close together in this tight place that they would be far away from me.

I regret even telling them about any of this because now it seems they won't look at me the same way. Cain hasn't changed so far. I think he's more afraid for me than of me. I need to talk to him about what he knows. Now is not the time but once we get his Loyal he's going to answer my questions whether he likes it or not.

We walk through the semi-dark tunnels with only a few torches lighting our way. Cain and I are in front, Mira in the middle and Patrick and Cynthia in the back.

"Can you feel him?" I asked Cain.

"Yes, he shouldn't be far."

"Don't you guys think this was a little too easy?" Patrick said.

"I had to lift all that crap. It wasn't easy."

"No, I mean it's Lilith. I would have expected booby traps or guards. Something. If she hid your Loyal for this long why would she just let us find them?"

"This better not turn into Tomb Raider. I'm not wearing the right shoes to be fucking Lara Croft." Mira complained.

"Nobody asked you to come." I shot back.

"You think I wanted to? It's your fault I'm even here. If you weren't such a fuck up like your crazy ass mother I wouldn't be dealing with this. "

I turn around ready to give her a piece of my mind. When I hear a growl.

"Please tell me that was someone's stomach." I gulped.

Cain sniffs the air before looking irritated.


"Hellhounds. Lilith's pets."

"Should we run?" Cynthia asked in a fearful tone.

Cain shakes his head. "No. They like the chase. We're going to have to fight."

"Elsie, use your new power to like throw them," Cynthia suggested.

"You think I have control over it?" I shouted-whispered

The growls and barking get louder. We keep moving slowly and with more cautiously through the tunnels. It isn't long before we see two pairs of glowing red eyes. The hellhounds are almost taller than me with razor-sharp teeth and black fur. They look between a Doberman and a rabid wolf. We all stop because every time we move a step their growls gets more aggressive.

"Does anyone have any treats?"

"Elsie now is not the time for jokes." Patrick snapped.

"Cain what should we do?" I asked.

He cups his hands together and closes his eyes. I hear a humming noise coming from his hands before he slowly opens them revealing a ball of ice. Now he's an elemental too? What can't this guy do? The ball of ice gets bigger until it's the size of a basketball. He holds it steady and then launches at the first hellhound. Ice covers the hellhound's body and it's whines fill the air. Instead of looking scared, the other hellhound looks angrier.

I look back to see Mira, Patrick, and Cynthia running away. So much for being there for me. I get my magic ready. Hoping a spell comes to mind. Before I can chant anything Cain's eyes burn with red. His eyes glow and he stands in front of me blocking me from the hellhound. I think he's going to fight the hellhound but instead the hellhound whines and shows his belly in submission.

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