Chapter 11

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The next two days came and went and after Cain told me his story I felt the need to help him even more. He's been through so much and if I can help him by getting his Loyal back I'll do everything it takes. I don't care what he's done in the past, no one deserves having both his siblings killed and being thrown away from the only life he's known. His family should have told him what was wrong with him from the moment they knew. Lying to someone you claim to care about is one of the ultimate betrayals for me.

No one should have to feel that way. And because of it, I'm packing my bag. Tot and Tater whine but I can't bring them with me. I give them kisses and leave my room. I'm halfway down the stairs and towards the door when I hear voices.

"You don't get to leave without us," Patrick said.

I turn around to see Cynthia and Patrick with duffle bags in their hands. I was hoping to leave without them but I should have known they know me better than that.

"You can't come with me."

I continue my way to the door but they catch up and block it. I sigh.

"Yes, we can. We said we were going. I'm not comfortable with you going alone with some guy you barely know." Cynthia argued.

"We're coming with you. Whether you like it or not." Patrick said as if his word was the law.

Like they practiced it, they both cross their arms and give me stern looks. I groan.


"Not so fast."

All three of us turn around and Mira is there in all her horrible glory. She has her curly brown hair in a messy bun, her suitcase is in hand and she's wearing designer sweats.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'm coming with you."

She starts to walks towards the door but I block her off.

"No, you're not."

"My mom told me to watch out for you. To make sure you don't fuck up and get yourself killed."

"You don't even know where we're going."

She shrugs. "Doesn't matter. I'm coming along or you're not going."

I smirk at her. "I can make sure you can't leave out this door."

"You do that and I'll make sure mom never lets you leave the house again."

"I'll tell her about the elder's boy."

She glares at me but in a weird turn  her face softens. "Look. The Elder's council is on her ass right now. You keep leaving and fucking up and they don't think she can handle her job. Their questioning if they should remove her."

My eyes widen. "Remove her for what? All I did was go to my house and a couple of other places. This isn't a prison."

"It's something else, Elsie. It was like they knew exactly what you were doing."

They couldn't know I'm helping Cain could they? No, there's no way. This must be something about my mom. Cynthia did tell me that they think I'm going to turn into her. But why would they be questioning my aunt instead of me? Something bigger is going on here but for now, I need to focus on one thing at a time.

I sigh. "You can come but don't ask any questions."

"Why can't I ask-"

It's my turn to glare at her. "Take it from me. Once you ask one question you'll want to know all of them. It's better that you just go along with whatever."

Cain {BOOK ONE COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now