Chapter 16

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We arrive in the UK where it's afternoon. It's cloudy and looks like it's going to rain. I zip my jacket up and follow Cain into the car that's waiting for us outside the airport. Cain, Pierre, Mira, Patrick, Cynthia, and I all drive to another one of Cain's estates.

I didn't talk to him the whole plane ride despite the revelation to myself that I wanted to consider furthering things in our whatever relationship. Cynthia thinks I'm afraid he'll leave me because I have some leftover resentment towards my parents. I probably do and one of these days I need to deal with that. I can't keep stuff bottled in so I'll start by telling Cain that I want to start something with him.

We pull in from a home that has to be bigger than Cain's two houses combined. It looks like a freaking castle. When Cain told me stories about his childhood, I never imagined this. I was thinking more about a small cute cottage. Not Hogwarts.

"Is this a castle?" Cynthia asked, echoing my thoughts

"No, this is my childhood home."

"This makes the coven mansion look like a trailer," Patrick said.

We all get out of the car and a man in a suit comes out the front door and helps us with our bags.

"Mr. Adams, it's good to see you again." the man greeted. He has fair skin, balding hair, and a thick English accent.

"Likewise Callum."

We walk inside and it is just as big as the outside. I watch as Pierre pulls Cain to the side. They talk for a bit and Cain nods his head a few times. Cain reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pen and paper. He writes something down, hands it to Pierre, and puts his hand on Pierre's shoulder. They exchange a few more words before Pierre leaves out the front door. Cain walks over to me and puts his arm around my waist. This time I actually like it.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Pierre is going to save us some time by going to get Anastasiya."

"Doesn't he need help?"

Cain shakes his head. "No, he'll be fine. It shouldn't take him long."

I nod. "So this is where you grew up? You are a prince."

"It wasn't always this big. We've built on every couple of decades."

"Won't Eve be here?"

"No. She hasn't been here since Adam died."

He grabs a hold of my hand and leads me down a hallway. I notice that Mira, Patrick, and Cynthia are all gone. Probably either going to explore or to their rooms. I look at the walls and I'm fascinated by all the paintings of Cain. In the paintings that he's younger, he's smiling with his family. As he ages and his family start to disappear from the paintings, his facial expressions become stern and emotionless. I force Cain to stop a picture with four other people with Cain. There is no doubt that this is Eve, Adam, Abel, and Awan.

Even with how old the painting looks Eve looks beautiful. She has tan skin, long brown hair, green eyes and she's wearing a dress that looks formal and elegant. Standing next to her is Adam. The artists who did these paintings were able to capture the kindness in his brown eyes. He has dark skin, his hair is curly and he's wearing a suit. Abel and Awin look like twins. Both with curly black hair, light brown eyes, and smiles as wide as their father's. Cain looks about twelve or thirteen in this painting.

"You were so adorable."

"Yeah. I've always been very good looking."

I laugh. I look at the other paintings. As the years go by so do the members of his family.

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