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Some lines by my people

Your story is yet to be told

For men may come and men may go,
but I go on forever
~ Tennyson

No one is truly yours (I repeat no one). It was you, it will be YOU. Work on yourself and reach the zenith, for there will always be stones in your path.

Who said life is not a bed of roses but thorns only?
life is a bed of thorny roses where sometimes the thorns dominate sometimes the rose petals...

"If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."

Dreams don't shine...What shines are you who chase these dreams.

Don't ever lose your identity, prove your existence with your work .

Let your smile light up the world,
Happy thoughts that you secretly hold,
Charming and notorious spark that I see,
Sparkle in your eyes everytime we meet,
In a dream as beautiful as you
May thy God be always there for you.

”You don't always need a plan.
  Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens."
- The Joker

If you ever feel, you are no longer important to someone, leave their life silently... Not yours!

I smiled at the unexpected things that happened,
Unaware and still can't believe they were bound to happen,
But they did and now I know,
Good things and bad things are interlinked,
They happen when you least expect them.

Smile...and good things will happen.

Never say never, but if you do, then don't lost the hope of Destiny denying your assumption

I stole something,
Now facing it's calamity.
I kept it hidden,
Near my close proximity.
I tried moulding it,
Into a beautiful disformity.
Maybe now it will see through,
And bear my good extremity.
A parable of my life,
Has lost it's animity.
I'll do everything to protect it,
Within my average capacity.
But won't you ask what I stole?
Come closer, I'll whisper it in your ears,
The thing I stole was just pure dignity of a creative originality.

”Burning embers
In the ocean of my heart
How do I possess my soul when both the entities crashes me apart?
Tired, I kept my strokes, fighting with something that was meant to win.
But I fought, fought and fought, and I found my soul in my serene defeat."

Whenever you are afraid/worried/stressed, just look up at the (night) sky. You'll realize that what you are going through right now is mostly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Compared to the universe, we live a life of minutes. So let's stop worrying about the future and live in this moment!

Not all storms come to destroy your life, some comes to clear the way!

Every being is born for a purpose. Your fate will some day lead you on the path of fulfilling it.

"I keep them safe by this name,
Mistakes and mistakes with none to blame,
Each sign means something deep,
Hiding behind masks that we all keep,
Look closer at this piece of art,
For its almost equal to Da Vinci's heart. "

Flowing water never stagnant at one place; that's like bad phrase never stay in one's life forever."

"We go through deep and down,
We stand at the starry summit,
Now i finally understand what I used to be,
I have always been my own hero,
I have seen before. "

If you are stuck in a hole.
It doesn't mean you have to make it your home.
Stop accepting your situation and start struggling to get out of it to your desirable conditions.

If you want you can climb the everst and if you want you can watch everest in television too...choice is yours...either be an acheiver or an audience.

”Failure is a bruise not a tattoo"

"Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the most wonderful things that will ever happen to us."

"A flower doesn't think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms."

I’ve just fluttered my wings, I will fly,
Kiss the beautiful clouds in the sky,
I will laugh out loud and I will cry,
I will live boldly before I die,
My words will be tough and not shy,
My efforts will never halt, I will always try,
I will not lie low, I will glide high and high.

- Love, Navyah

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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