Chapter 5

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also before this chapter, I want to note that while there are kings, castles, and horses, this is NOT a medieval fantasy. There is definitely some modern technology that will play a big role to come. sorry for the confusion, i havent really made the nature of this world clear and i plan to do so shortly :)


Chapter 5

"Your Majesty, how could you do this?" "The bloodsuckers are going to kill us all if we enter this contract!" were the only coherent cries Emma heard among the discord. Food issues forgotten, the nobles rallied around their common hatred and fear for the vampires.

Emma wondered if the nobles had always acted like this. David seemed to read her mind beside her, and said in irritation, "They weren't this rowdy before... I think we've been spoiling them."

He rose from his seat, an action that should have captured the wayward nobles' attentions but failed to. "Silence!" he roared, effectively silencing the hall. "Unless you want your neck to be intimately acquainted with my teeth, I suggest you bumbling idiots listen to me for once.

Whether you like it or not, the queen and I have made our decision in the interest of the kingdom. Now," David cast one last glacial glare over the tables of nobles, making them quiver in their seats, "I would like to eat my meal in peace."

The rest of the dinner was tense. Conversation was strained and conducted strictly in whispers, no one wanted to incur the wrath of the moody king. Even Emma, who had not been the subject of David's anger, found that her appetite was lost. She picked at the fresh bread that had seemed so appealing minutes before, hoping David wouldn't notice her lack of enthusiasm and urge her to eat. Unfortunately, he did notice, sending her a meaningful look. Emma reluctantly ate her bread, taking her time.

Needless to say, Emma was glad when they left the high-strung meal. As she was pulled by her mate back to their chambers, she took a moment to admire the poetry of his appearance. His dark brown hair, never messy or out of place, was just long enough to run her hands through, and flopped gracefully over his forehead. She couldn't see his eyes well, but they were grey and turbulent when he was emotional, but calm and warm when he looked at her.

Emma blushed. Every time they made eye contact, her heart contracted and warmed. Maybe this screwy relationship was going somewhere. Hopefully David felt the same.

David pulled his mate down the hallways, frustrated beyond belief. He had been trying so hard to follow his mate's advice to be nice. That had gotten him nowhere. The nobles loved to yap forever, it seemed.

"David!" The voice of his mate penetrated the irritated gaze he was in.

"What?" he snapped without thinking. He turned to face his mate.

"You're hurting me," Emma glanced pointedly at her wrist, which was in David's firm grasp. David blushed. He actually blushed.

"Sorry," he said, dropping her dainty hand. Cursing himself for hurting his mate, he made a beeline for the bath when they got to their rooms. Once he was gone, Emma rubbed his wrist. She was far from mad that her mate had gripped her wrist so tightly; when they were walking, she could tell he was tense and angry. 

She sighed as she sat down on the window ledge. The full moon and stars shone brightly in the sky, light illuminating the lush garden below her. As she stared wistfully at the moon, a black speck that she thought was part of the moon started to grow larger. She frowned.

Shifting her eyes alone to that of an eagle, she used her sharpened vision to investigate. What had appeared as one black speck was actually two smaller specks, close together. As they came closer and closer, she realized the dots had... wings? A few seconds later, it was apparent that the winged creatures were bats. Why would bats be flying towards the castle, she wondered. Then it hit her.

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