Chapter 20

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Ginny looked around the tent, she couldn't believe what her family has done for her everything was perfect, there wasn't a thing they could change. Harry led Ginny to the middle of the dance floor and danced while everyone joined.

Ginny couldn't be more delighted she had her marvellous soon to be husband, her beautiful twins and her whole family.

The song ended, but Harry and Ginny continued to sway while everyone watched.

"I couldn't be happier right now Harry, you have made this the best birthday I have ever had," Ginny said then nuzzled into Harry's neck.

"I'm glad I managed to make this day a happy one," Harry said before kissing her on the cheek then leading her over to Alice.

Alices' dress was baby blue with an intricate neck and lots of rhinestones, it reached just to the bottom of her things and had an exposing back.

Alices' dress was baby blue with an intricate neck and lots of rhinestones, it reached just to the bottom of her things and had an exposing back

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Ginnys' dress was a soft pink with intricate detail around the neck, it was open at the legs that trailed across the ground.

Ginnys' dress was a soft pink with intricate detail around the neck, it was open at the legs that trailed across the ground

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Alice was watching the twin as Molly and Lily danced with there husbands, Alice was smiling and tickling Avery and Aspen. Once Alice noticed Harry and Ginny she turned around and engulfed Ginny into a hug.

"Happy Birthday" Alice whispered into Ginnys' ear before handing her Aspen while Harry picked up Avery.

Ginny, Alice and Harry ended up talking for quite some time because when Harry and Ginny put the twins in the playpen and turned around Ginny's brothers and dad were waiting to dance with there sister/daughter.

First up was Arthur who went with a traditional dance with his daughter, when they danced all Arthur could tell her was how proud he was, she had a fiance, who was soon to be her husband and she has two babies that couldn't have a better mum.

Next was Ginny's eldest brother Bill, he went with a more upbeat song and twirled Ginny around several times before handing her to Charlie.

Charlie danced with Ginny to her favourite song which was Good as Hell (I know this song wouldn't have been out, but I completely forgot song titles, and I just chose the song I was listing to).

Percy went for a traditional song just like her dad, Ginny wasn't being mean, but she didn't really like Percy, he was always more traditional than the other Weasleys except for her mum and dad, but deep down even Percy had a special place in Ginny's heart.

Fred and George danced with Ginny but together so there was three of them, this was but far the craziest dance she had with her brothers, but she didn't mind.

Last but not least was Ron, Ginny had to practical drag him on the dance floor. They began to sway awkwardly, but Ginny didn't mind, that was until Ron bent down to kiss Ginny's forehead. After that, he bent down further and whispered in her ear "hope you had a good night and Happy Birthday sis" Ginny couldn't have asked for a better night, because she had her family and that's all Ginny needed.

I know its still not the longest but I tried, also sorry it took so long I still hope you enjoyed and make sure to VOTE, FOLLOW and COMMENT


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