Chapter 25

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It is short and I do apologise in advance

Harry and Ginny, just hoped that the twins weren't werewolves they wouldn't know how to care for them.  The full moon was in a week the twins didn't act any different, but then again they could still turn but show no signs until it happens.

Harry and Ginny, tried to go about their day as if nothing was circling their head causing them, to worry, if the girls were to be werewolves they would have to go live with a pack of werewolves, and potentially never see their girls again.


It was the same routine Harry, Ginny and the twins had every Sunday, get the girls bathed and dressed, Harry and Ginny to get dressed and walk to either the Potter's or the Weasley's for breakfast.

The vampires were worried for Avery and Aspen, they had only been in the family for a year and now, and they may have to leave because of an evil man, it just wasn't fair.


The closer the full moon got, the more anxious Harry and Ginny got, at one point Harry nearly had a heart attack because both Avery and Aspen got mad a week before the full moon. Every time Avery or Aspen had a tantrum, they lost hope that maybe, just maybe they took after Ginny and were vampires (I'm making it you don't know if children are vampires until they are three, just because).

The rest of that week was the most stressful days of Harry and Ginny's lives and probably the rest of their lives that also didn't help Ginny, who was nearly two months pregnant.

Finally the day Harry and Ginny, were anxiously awaiting arrived and they didn't know what the end of the day would tell. The sun was setting when Harry and Ginny fed the twins before putting them to bed.

It took around about another two hours before the moonlight hit the twins faces, and nothing happened, they didn't start screaming in pain, no limbs braking to make a werewolf bone shape and most importantly no werewolves where their little girls lay.

They were vampires and took after their mother, Harry and Ginny shared a short and sweet kiss before they entered the twin's room and just looking at their peaceful sleeping faces.

The twins are vampires, even though people wanted them to be vampires, I was still thinking of making them werewolves. I just decide to make a story about werewolves instead (don't know when I will publish it though). I hope you enjoyed one more chapter and it will be an epilogue, I loved writing this story even though I lost interest halfway through it. Stay safe.

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Hogwarts Princess

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