Just a funny short(s)!

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Ok, so I saw this hilarious tik tok that I will write in the story and I HAD TO WRITE IT! And I just love the mchanzo ship! There so adorable! Anyway hope you like it lol!
Also I got some of these ideas to a girl on Instagram, thebigchillqueen. Just wanted to put that out there.

"Ok Jesse, I have a grape in my hand, and if you catch it you can do whatever you want for the rest of the night."
"Ok, darling"
Hanzo throws the the grape and McCree catches it in his mouth. McCree then runs towards Hanzo taking his shirt off. "WELL TODAYS MA LUCKY DAY HANZO!" Hanzo cursed under his breath, trying to dodge Jesse. "Fuck..."

Hanzo woke up the next morning sore.
Genji is running through Hanamura looking for Hanzo and bumps into a random woman. "Excuse me ma'am? Have you seen my Anija?! He's this tall clearly gay but we haven't had the time to talk yet!?" The woman just looks bewildered and runs away, leaving my Genji to find Hanzo all by himself. "HANZO?!"
Hanzo hits reaper with his bow.
"And that's for trying to kill the love of my life!" Reaper just looks confused, "Who the-" McCree steps in. "He's talking about me! I'm the love of your life?🥺" Hanzo now blushing, "I don't know what I said I'm still angry at you!" (Y/n) steps in, "That's what I heard!"
Pharah was flirting with Mercy in the kitchen. "Hey, did it hurt when you fell?" Angela sighs and says, "from heaven? Because I'm-" "When you fell from the vending machine cause you looking like a snack."

Hanzo gets a paper cut while trying to make some origami and Genji says under his breath shakily, "Hasn't he been through enough?!"
Everyone was running away from the gorilla ,destroying the base,wondering what Happened when D.va walked I'm mortified by what she saw. "Hana do you know what's wrong?!" Mei said she built an ice wall to protect them from Winston. "I ate the last jar of peanut butter..."
Reaper as showing Lucio that he has a coat with knives, "Hey kid want some blades?" Lucio said, "no. Blades are for skating. Ya dingus." He then tries to skate in the snow. "Kind of snowy."
Genji, Hanzo, and McCree were just hanging out when Genji suddenly burst, "DONT FUCK WITH ME! I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!" Hanzo tried to calm him down Genji just tries to kill him, "AHHHHH!"
Mercy was just singing.
"Hey. How doing I'm fine I lied I'm dying inside."
"Hey Hanzo, I brought some music to try and help you with your meditation or sominm like that." "Ok.. very well McCree put it in the disk." McCree trying not to laugh, "okay here it comes..."
Ana: "hey guys what do you wan to eat?" Realer says, "the souls of the innocent!" Morrison says, "A bagel."
"NO!" "Two bagels."
Lucio: "oh my gosh I love your lipstick what shade is it!?"
D.va: "...Cheeto dust!"
Mei and McCree just talking. "Man, I wanna call the Shimada man." Mei says, "What's Shimada?" McCree starts to burst laughing, "NOTHING WHATS SHIMADA WITH YOU?!"
That's all folks! Hope you like the shorts! And thanks for the 73 reads! HOLY CRAP! thanks guys!

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