Chapter 3: The deal

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54 years after the battle and the defeat of Sheylah.

When in time of war, one marvels over the possibility of a peaceful time, and when in time of peace, one often wonders about the future, what it could bring, and how long it will take for trouble to unravel. Neverland was a place where time stood still, thus years would go by, life would go on as it went, and the lost boys led their carefree lives. The pain and difficulties brought up by the dark witch, and the powers unleashed during the battle had made a strong impact on the island and everyone on it. For a long time, there was this sort of instability amongst the inhabitants of the island, and these silent words spoken through nothing but the eyes, to the people around them. Words that were not pronounced out loud, within a silent agreement, since they brought such nasty memories and pain for the losses.

That time came to pass by and everyone settled normally in their lives, keeping the dark times behind the curtain of memories meant to remain there. The lost boys did all they could to being back the feeling of freedom and peace there had always been before, and so did their only lost girl. Olivia had come to accept her mistakes, as much as she could, her confidence rather weak that time. The nightmares woke her up at night and left her sweating and scared. She would lay back down with a sigh  and wait for the rising sun, or stroll away in the forest and either meet with some of the lost boys making rounds, or remain on her own. At first, there were many self pitying thoughts, and tears.. until they came to dry, and her mind started focusing on other things. All the trials, all the pain, had come from one person, and they were not to be forgotten in a life time, but they stopped haunting her endlessly.

   There was one thing though, that she could not stop thinking about, and that was the fact that Leygin was not dead. It infuriated her to know that the source of all the trials, could still harm and cause chaos. She tried to think through all the things she had seen. She tried to identify what kind of person Leygin was. A sorcerer with lust for power, who got punished by Pan in a very painful way, and then tried to avenge himself by invading Neverland. How could that be? He brought a dark King and his whole army in Neverland without Pan knowing it and managed to escape the dangerous defence and Pan's magic. He had a great ally, which happent to be Sheylah, yet Sheylah died while trying to take over Olivia's mind. The more she thought about it the less it made sense, for, to enter and take over someone's mind, one has to be a part of the victim's past memories ... Sheylah was part of none of these, so how?? How could she do it? How how how???!
Moreover, the fact that Leygin should want to invade and win the power of the whole island did not seem coherent with his past and character. Something definitely was off here.

"You'll need my help one day. Wether you want it or not... "

Sheylah's words rang in her mind and made her frown.

"Ow! Watch where you go sweetheart!"Felix growled and stared at Olivia who had just bumped into him.

"Sorry I'm really sorry. I was just thinking about something and I wasn't looking so I bumped into you I'm sorry I thought I was alone and I mean no, not alone but at least not exactly a-

"Woah easy there!" Felix interrupted chuckling at her nonsensical sentence. She looked in a daze, her hair was all over the place and she looked like she had not slept in three days, which was actually the case. Felix caught her arm before she walked away and pulled her back to face him, both hands on her shoulders, his eyes scanning her face with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine why? I need to go Felix there's a lot I need to do right now so if you please-"

Felix stopped her once more and with another look at her his face scrunched up with disgust.

"Olivia, how long has it been since you last had a shower or a bath??"

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