Chapter 5: The photograph

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Night was falling slowly, the sun let its rays stroke the town one last town before going down and allowing the moon to give in all her light. The stars twinkled brightly into the dark blue sky. Her head lifted up to admire the spectacle, Sam smiled in delight, inhaling the air, and she turned around, stepping back in and closing the glass window that led to the balcony she stood on a few seconds before. Wrapping her jumper tighter around her, the young woman made her way down the stairs, smiling brightly at the black dog hopping happily and looking for affection.

"Hey there Fang! Come on boy, it's time for dinner don't you think? Your master will be home soon. "

Fang gladly followed her to the living room, and his tail shook even more when he watched her hand grab onto the very much loved object that was the pack containing his food. She poured a generous amount into his plate and let Fang gulp it all greedily. Just as he did, the door bell rang. She jumped and grinned rushing to the door as it rang again and again. She frowned at the hasty ringing until she opened and Alex appeared, pale and holding his side, wincing, amd ready to pass out at any moment.

"Oh my God Alex!!"she cried out, and helped the young man to the couch, laying him down.

"What happened???" She asked holding his face.

"I don't know.... it just.. the pain suddenly exploded in here and .... I...

"It's okay, it's okay, "she soothed with tears in her eyes at how painful he was. She tried not to show her panic when she noticed the blood coming out of his nose. She wiped it delicately and stroked his cheek.

"Hey baby, look at me, we'll take you to the hospital okay?

"Wait I can-

"No listen to me, we will go there now, and make sure you get better all right ? We have to go, baby, you know that. Come on."

He nodded and she helped him up, and to the car, making sure he was comfortable and she jumped onto the driver's seat, starting the engine and driving to the hospital. The doctors quickly diagnosed his sickness and he was immediately brought into surgery. Sam bit her lower lip, her hands twisting and clinging to her arms, but there was nothing she could do so she just say there, and waited, for four hours...

That had happent a few days ago, but Sam could not stop thinking about it as she jogged and came to a stop. She just wished that everything would be simpler, that they'd both stop being sick, that they'd just live happily. Her brother Ben was going to visit in a few days, which was a relief but she couldn't show him how happy they had been these past few months.  It looked as though everything was going back to its original beginning. Alex hadn't been to the hospital in two months. They both had left about five months ago but he still went from time to time, about twice a week.
The young woman panted and fiddled with her hair, looking around. She watched as an ambulance passed by, the sirens blurting out, knowing that perhaps the doctor and nurses inside were desperately trying to revive someone. Someone who was dear to other people, who had a life, a family or not... she hoped they would manage to save them. Her thoughts drifted back to Alex and she walked back to her house.

Inside the ambulance.

"CLEAR! 1 2 3 SHOOT! " the doctor panted, his hands going back to doing chest compression hastily while he counted
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5,........."

"Prepare - " the nurses quickly added the gel on the tool and handed it to the doctor who took it.

"Come on come on"he mumbled, as the ambulance rushed through the city. "CLEAR! 1, 2 , 3 SHOOT!"

the shock was sent, the body jolted up and back down, still no heart beating.

"No no no COME ON! "the young doctor growled and went back to chest compression,counting hastily until the end where he straightened up with a sigh, staring at the young patient.

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