Chapter 3

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We walked into the concert , it was about 6:45 and the concert started at 7. We found where we were meant to be , we were quite close to the front.

"I'm freaking out ahhhhh!" i screamed.
"Same i feel like i'm gonna be sick!" Millie said.
"you'll be fine !"

The next 15 minutes passed and the concert is about to start.

*one direction walk onto stage*

"OMGGG AHHHHHHHHHH" we both screamed as loud as we could.

I looked at Millie and she looked so pale.

"Are you okay?" i asked her.
"Yeah i'm fine just a bit overwhelmed" Millie replied.
She looked as if she was about to pass out.
They were singing up all night , when the song ended i turned round to Millie.

she gave me one last look and then fainted.
then they stated singing story of my life.

what do i do?? i started panicking
then suddenly i heard Niall say "stop"
the music stopped.
he pointed over to where Millie was laying. Then a spotlight was on us.
"Is she okay" Niall asked.
was he talking to me ?? Niall Horan was talking to me ? no this can't be real !!!!!!!
"Is she okay?" he asked again.
"Um i-i don't know , she fainted" i said.
"Can you bring her backstage ?" Niall asked.
"Y- yeah but i'm too weak to carry her" i said
the crowd laughed.
"I'll come and help you" Harry said.

omg omg , harry styles was coming to help me!
i cant believe this !!!!

he came down off the stage and helped me carry Millie backstage. Niall came backstage too while the others carried on with the concert.

"your missing your concert , you should go back out there" i said to Harry and Niall.
"It's okay the concert can wait , this is more important" harry said.

i talked to them for about 10 minutes and they were both so lovely!
then suddenly Millie woke up.
"wh-what happened?" she asked looking up at me.
"you fainted but then Niall and Harry brought us backstage" i said to her.
her eyes widened.
then she looked over at Harry and Niall
"are you feeling any better?" Niall asked her.
"this can't be real!" she exclaimed.
Harry and Niall both laughed.
"yeah i'm fine" Millie said but as she stood up she fell backwards.
Niall rushed to make sure she didn't bang her head.
"I'm okay" said Millie.
"No your not , we will stay with you" harry said.
"No i can't let you miss your show , please go and perform" Millie said.
"I will take care of her" i said to them.
"Okay fine but stay here and we will come back when the show is finished" Harry said.
"see you soon" Niall said to Millie and kissed her forehead.
They went back on stage and carried on performing.
"Awh we will miss the rest of the show , you should go and enjoy it , i'll stay here" Millie said sadly.
"No i want to stay with you" i said smiling at her.
"And Millie , Niall Horan just kissed you!!!!!"

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