Chapter 13

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Harry's pov :)

I felt so sorry for Grace. I hope she feels okay.We were in the car and Niall was driving us to play mini golf (as we thought maybe rollercoasters maybe weren't the best idea).
I was sitting in the back with her and i was holding her hand.

We arrived at the golf course and we all got out of the car.
"Please tell me your not scared of golf" I said to her.
"No of course not" she replied giggling.
"Phew that's good!" I exclaimed.

We started to play and Millie was really good

"How are you so good Millie??" Grace asked her.
"I don't know i've never played before" Millie said excitedly.
"Well your amazing!" Grace said to her.
"Thanks!" she exclaimed.
"Hey come onnnn!" Niall called to them.
"we're coming!" Millie shouted back to him and they ran to where me and Niall were.

"Are you feeling okay? If your not i can take
you home or something" I said to her.
"No i'm fine! i'm feeling much better" Grace replied.
"you sure?" i asked.
"yes i promise" she said to me.
"Okay then , let's play some golf!" i exclaimed.
"Yes let's go!" she said.

"Hey guys watch this!!" Niall shouted.
He tried to do a run up and hit the golf ball into the hole ,but instead he tripped and fell over.
We all laughed. It was so funny!
Millie went over to make sure he was ok.

"Are you okay?" Millie asked him trying not to laugh.
"Yes i'm fine" Niall replied trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Let's keep playing" Niall said getting up.

We carried on playing golf for a couple more hours. We were all quite tired so we decided to go home. Niall was driving again and Millie was in the front with him. I looked at Grace and she had fallen asleep.

"Is Grace asleep?" Niall asked me.
"Yeah is Millie?" I asked.
"Yeah" he said.
"I feel bad waking them up , should we just take them back to my place ?" I asked Niall.
"Yeah that's a good idea" he said.
Niall drove us to my house. I carried Grace out of the car trying not to wake her up. Niall did the same with Millie.
I carried Grace up my room and placed her on my bed. Then she started to wake up.
"I'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you up" i said to her apologising.
"No it's okay , where are we?" she asked.
"We're at my house , you and Millie fell asleep and we didn't want to wake you so we brought you back here" i explained.
"oh ok , do you have something i could change into ? jeans aren't very comfy to sleep in!" she asked.
"Yeah i'll be back in a second" i said.
I went and got her one of my t-shirts and some shorts.
"Here you go" i said giving them to her.
"thank you" she replied taking them.
I walked out and went downstairs to get a drink while she's getting changed.
Niall had placed Millie on the sofa and looks like she had woke up too.
"I'm just going to get you some clothes to change into be right back" Niall said to her.
Niall stayed over at my place a lot so the spare room was basically his and was filled will lots of his stuff including clothes.
He came back and Millie went into the bathroom to get changed.
She came back in and lay on the sofa with Niall and tried to get back to sleep.
I went back upstairs and back into my room.
Grace was now i'm my t-shirt and shorts.
I lay on my bed next to her and put my arm around her. She lay her head on my chest and went to sleep.
I eventually drifted off to sleep too.

the best night of our lives :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora