Chapter 5

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Grace come on hurry up !!
"I'm coming i'm coming hold on!" i shouted.
"There you are , you look gorgeous by the way" Harry said.
I blushed and then he kissed me.
what was that ringing sound?

*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock .
It was just a dream .
It was 11:40
Woah i had slept late , normally i wake up about 7 ! I smiled at the thought of how amazing last night was. I sat up and looked over at Millie's bed. It was empty? Where was she? Suddenly my phone started to ring , with my one direction ringtone. I should probably change that in case i ever meet up with them again. It was Millie.

"Hey , where are you?" i asked her.
"I'm out with Niall , he texted me asking if i wanted to go on a date so i said yes! I didn't want to wake you as you seemed to be having a lovely dream" she said laughing.
"Wh-what do you mean?" i asked her.
"Well you were smiling and blushing in your sleep" she laughed.
"oh" i said.
"Anyway i have to go Niall's coming , see you later , bye !" Millie said.
"Bye , have a nice date!" i said to her.

I was so happy for Millie! She was going on a date with Niall Horan! I bet she's so happy i thought.

Then i noticed i had a text from a random number?
It was Harry's !!
it said " morning , hope you slept alright , it's Harry , i was wondering if you'd like to meet up today , like maybe go on a date with me ?"
i couldn't believe it!
i texted him back.
" hey harry , yes i would love to , what time ?"
he relied almost instantly
"I'll pick you up from your hotel at 2:00 if that's okay ? oh and wear something casual :)"
i replied
"Yes that's fine , okay see you soon :)"
ahhhhhhhhhh i have a date with Harry Styles!!!
i have to get ready.

I got up and went for a shower , i usually have quite long showers. 20 minutes later i got out and put my hair in a towel.
I went to pick out my outfit , i only had about 5 outfits because we were only planning on staying at this hotel for a few days , we were going to go shopping and stuff.
I chose a light pink t-shirt and some blue ripped jeans.
I put a little bit of makeup on and took my hair out of the towel.
I decided to dry it.
After drying my hair i put a bracket on and slipped on my shoes.
It was about 1:30 by now so i had plenty of time before Harry was coming to pick me up.

I wonder how Millie is doing?
i texted her
" Hey , hows your date going ? i probably won't be here when you get back be i'm going on a date with Harry ! anyway hope your having fun talk later bye ! :)"

*30 minutes later*

I went down the stairs and saw Harry waiting by the door of my hotel. He was wearing his classic black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.
I walked over to him.
"You look beautiful" he said to me.
"thanks" i replied trying not to blush.
"Come on let's go" he said taking my hand.
i can't wait!

the best night of our lives :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora