Chapter 7

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Me and Millie went downstairs and walked outside of the hotel where Harry was waiting for us.

"Hey" i said to him.
"Hey Grace , hey Millie" he said.
"Hi Harry" Millie replied.
"Okay come on let's go!" Harry exclaimed.
We walked to his car and i sat in the front with Harry and Millie sat in the back.
"I just called Niall and he said he will be round in 15 minutes" Harry said.
"Okay" Millie replied smiling to herself.

We arrived at Harry's house and it was so nice! It was ginormous!
"Your house is so nice Harry" i said to him.
"thanks" he replied.
He unlocked his front door and we all walked in.
We followed Harry down the hallway and into his living room.
Then we heard a knock at the door.

"That must be Niall" Harry said to us.
Harry went and opened the door.
"Hey Harry what's up?" Niall said.
"Hey Niall , come in , Grace and Millie are in there" Harry replied.
"Oh and congratulations on you two" Harry said.
"Thanks!" Niall said.

Harry and Niall walked into the living room.
"Hey guys" Niall said to us.
"Hey Niall" we both said back.
"Okay so kind of movie are we watching?" Harry asked us.
"I don't mind you can pick" i replied.
"How about a horror movie ? those are one of mine and Niall's favourites" he said.
I looked up at Millie and she had the same expression as me.
We we not only scared of the dark , we were both terrified of horror movies. But we didn't want to say anything.
"Yeah that sounds good" Millie said.
"Okay then let me find a good one!"
Harry found a movie and told Niall to put it in the dvd player.
"I'll be back in a second i'm just going to get some blankets and some popcorn" Harry said.

Niall put the dvd in , grabbed the remote and sat down next to Millie. They were sitting on the sofa next to me. They were holding hands and Millie's head was resting on Niall's shoulder.
Awww how cute!

*A few minutes later*

Harry walked back in with blankets and popcorn. He gave some blankets and popcorn to Niall and Millie and then walked over to me.
He sat down next to me and gave me a blanket. He placed the popcorn in between us.

"Okay you ready" Niall asked us.
"Yes!" Harry replies excitedly.
"Yes" me and Millie replied not so excitedly.
"Okay then!" Niall said.
And then pressed play on the movie.

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