Chapter 11

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Millie's pov :)

Niall drove us back to our hotel. They told us they would pick us up at 11:00 tomorrow morning.

Me and Grace walked into our hotel room. We only had a few more days here. Then we would have to go home. I mean our houses were only about 20 minutes away but still.

I went into the bathroom and got changed , brushed my teeth and washed my face. I got into my bed and went straight to sleep. Grace did the same.

*the next morning*

I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 7:30. I had a text from Niall!
"Morning beautiful , can't wait to see you later" it said.
Aww he was so sweet! I texted him back and then got up to have a shower.
Grace was still asleep. She says she normally wakes up early but she is one of the laziest people i know!

I had a shower and then put my hair up in a towel. I decided that i would wear some ripped jeans with a light pink hoodie.
I was so nervous for today. I was terrified of rollercoasters! It would be fine though.. i hope..
I let my hair out of the towel and decided to let it air dry.
I then got changed into my outfit.
I started to do my makeup when Grace finally woke up.

"Your finally awake!" i exclaimed.
"I'm tireddd" she whined.
"Come on get up! We're going to Alton Towers today remember?" i said to her.
"Oh yeah , um i don't feel very well , maybe i should stay here , you should go though!" Grace said.
"Is this because your scared of rollercoasters? Because same! But we will be fine i promise!" i said to her.
"But what if something bad happens!" Grace exclaimed.
"I won't don't worry , now hurry up and get ready!" i said.
"Okay okay i'll get up in a minute" Grace said.

I carried on doing my makeup. I only put on a bit of mascara , lipgloss and eyeshadow.
Grace got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I went over and made my bed.

We both finally finished getting ready and it was almost 11:00. So we went and waited outside our hotel. Harrys car pulled up and we walked over to it. Me and Grace sat in the back and talked to Niall and Harry on our way to Alton Towers.

"Who's excited?!" Niall asked excitedly.
"Me" Grace replied nervously.
"You don't sound very excited , don't tell me your scared of rollercoasters aswell!" Harry said looking back at Grace smiling.
"It's only a little fear" i said.
"Oh yeah ? like your little fear of the dark and horror movies?" Niall said teasing me.
"Shut uppp" i said to him.
"It just makes me nervous, so many things can go wrong on rollercoasters you know" Grace said.
"It will be fine i promise , i will make sure we all have an amazing day!" Harry exclaimed.

*10 minutes later*

"We're here!" Harry said.
Here we go...

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