Chapter 8

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The movie started playing. It was terrifying.
I absolutely hated it , Millie was lying next to Niall and he was comforting her as he could tell she didn't like it.

"Do you like the movie so far" Harry whispered to me.
"Um yeah it's .. um .. great" i replied.
"Are you scared?" he asked smiling.
"No of course not!" i replied.
He knew i was lying though. He came closer to me and held my hand , i rested my head on his shoulder while looking away from the movie.
"Do you wanna watch something else?" Harry asked us.
"Yes please" Millie said.
"Scared of the dark and scared of horror movies , what else are you two scared of?" Niall asked us laughing.
"Oh many things" i replied.
"Injections , bridges , spiders , snakes , clowns , the ocean , dying , seagulls , crabs , being sick , fainting , small spaces , and many more" i said.
"Wow that's a lot" Harry laughed.
"Yep" Millie said.
"Okay so what do you want to watch then?" Niall asked.
"What about a disney movie , do you like them?" Harry asked.
"Yeah we love them!" I replied.
"We could watch finding Dory?" Niall asked us.
"Yes that's one of our favourites!" Millie replied.
"It makes my cry though" i said.
"Me too" Millie laughed.
Harry and Niall started laughing. Harry got up and put finding Dory on.
He came back and sat down next to me again. He pulled me closer to him.
We watched the movie and as it got to the sad part i looked away so i didn't cry. Harry held me.
I looked over at Millie and she was crying but Niall was hugging her.
The movie finished but we started to watch another one.
It was about 11:20 as i looked at my phone.
I was very tired and i was finding it hard to keep my eyes open. Millie has already fallen asleep. I found myself drifting off and then i fell asleep lying on Harry.

the best night of our lives :)Where stories live. Discover now