Chapter 1 - Hamilton

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The darkness swallowed the boat as it struggled against the violent seas. It's Captain nowhere to be found. A small sailor rushed around trying to get everyone in order, but it seemed no-one was willing to listen. A huge shadow appeared in the distance, threatening the boat sitting upon the waves. Shouts echoed across the decks, the boat tried to turn away. Too late.

I rubbed my aching head as I stumbled onto the shore. That was one of the worst crashes I've experienced in all my life as a sailor. It was that young upstart navigator, Aaron Burr, he was useless. As my vision stopped spinning I stormed over to where Burr stood, ready to confront him.

"Burr, what the hell were you playing at?" I spat in his face.

He only glanced at me in response before trying to walk off.

"OI! I'm not done talking to you, you realize you could've killed us all right?"

He smirked, "Talk less Alexander."

I opened my mouth ready to retort, as Burr raised his eyebrow before Jefferson cut in.

"Hey hammy, isn't it your responsibility to keep things running smoothly while Washington's busy? I blame you for this" He smiled.

I felt myself boiling over with rage. A couple of other ship hands were murmuring almost in agreement with Jefferson. Everyone was looking for someone to blame, but it sure as hell wasn't going to be me.

"Not true! I can't help if some of the idiots in this crew ignore me and choose to sail into desert islands. Why don't you go kill something, it's all you're good for" I hurled back.

"I'll kill you next hammy" He muttered through a smile.

"I dare you to try," I tried to intimidate him, trying to ignore his obvious height advantage. By now we had gained the attention of Washington, who swiftly stepped between us.

"Break it up, Hamilton take a walk!" Washington said with force, glaring at me slightly.

I sighed angrily, not quite satisfied with the end of the fight, but it'd have to do, for now, I could always punch Jefferson later.

I began to scout the island, hoping to find a safe source of water, and some form of food, hopefully, a good place to make shelter too, but I didn't want to ask for too much at once. Clearly my wish for Jefferson to get a personality reset in the crash was ignored.

The further I explored the island, the more I started to relax, it was truly a lovely island. I was yet to find water but I was more than happy to relax in the shade of a palm tree at the expense of drinking salt water tonight.

I was sat in a small cove, my feet dipped in beautiful crystal water. I was almost greatful for the crash. Finally a chance to take a break. I closed my eyes and lent back into the soft grains of sand, feeling my skin warm through my shirt. As I lent my head back and let my eyes droop I heard a noise..

I shot to my feet, hand on my gun. I looked around frantically to find the source of the noise. I seemed to be safe, probably just some of the island's wildlife. I started to relax. As my hand moved from my gun, I heard it again.

I looked around a bit more calmly this time. Soon my attention was drawn to the water. There was a person? No it couldn't be a person, it looked like a fish! Whatever it was, it seemed to be trying to get his attention.

As I looked closer at the creature I begun to realise it's beauty. Dark curls fell against a beautiful copper face. Freckles danced across it's cheeks. I found myself staring at the creature's eyes, piercing eyes, full of wisdom and wonder and beauty. It's face was almost completely perfect, as though each feature was a blessing. 

Beneath the water the creature had a well formed figure, with more freckles dancing across it's muscles. Further below, where legs should have been, was a stunning green tail, flicking gently in the water. 

I tried to clear my mind as the creature stared back at me. I'd only heard of something so magical.

A/N I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll update as often as possible! Comments very very appreciated!

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