Chapter 10 - Laurens

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The sun fluttered across my face as I slowly opened my eyes. I yawned and stretched, before my mind suddenly woke up.

My human! Was he safe? He had to be, I couldn't let myself think he wasn't.

I had to be sure though, which is why I was already miles away from where I had woken up. I forgot all caution when poking my head above water in the cove, desperate to find my human, to know if he was safe.

He wasn't on our usual cove, and I started to panic. I swum as fast as I could to the next beach, hoping he'd be there.

Within minutes I had checked every beach on the island.

Panic was rising in my stomach, my heart was pounding, my head was spinning. I must have missed him, I had to have. If he wasn't on any beach, was he ok? Maybe he didn't even want to see me after all the pain I caused him...

I decided to do another lap of the island, certain that I had missed him. As I turned to start doing a second lap of the island, I slammed into something.

"John! I'm so sorry! I didn't expect you to turn around so quickly!" The thing said.

I blinked quickly, trying to regain my balance, before looking to see who had interrupted me on my way to find my human.

"Go away," I muttered, upon realising who was talking to me. "I want nothing to do with you 'Liza"

As I glanced away, I noticed the pain on her face, and I softened slightly.

"John, I'm so so sorry for what I did. Please, let me try to make it you?" She pleaded, as I kept moving away from her.

I stopped moving when I heard her trail off. I turned around, slowly. I was still angry with her, but I felt bad for her as well.

I knew she was sorry, but I didn't know if I was ready to forgive her. I felt so much anger that she thought she could take my human from me.

If it weren't for her, he never would've slipped into the water trying to comfort me, and I wouldn't be so scared for him now.

No, that wasn't fair, that wasn't her fault, it was mine.

"How do you think you can make this up to me?" I asked coldly, glaring at her.

She beckoned me closer, looking hopeful that she really could get me to forgive her.

I swam towards her slowly, still glaring at her.

"I have a way to help your human breathe underwater, so you can talk to him" she said quietly, trying to hide an excited smile as she shared the end of her news.

I couldn't contain myself. He would be safe next time! I could talk to him properly! Maybe he could even stay with me for a little while...

I had to try and calm down, think things through logically.

"How?" I asked, scared that this might all be an elaborate joke. I couldn't imagine talking to him to even be possible, and I was so scared to hurt him again.

"I.. I can't talk here, it's not safe..." she whispered, looking shifty.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"Just, come with me, and trust me"

A/N ok so I low-key forgot this fic existed hence I've been gone for so long. But I'm back! With a really bad and short chapter! Next chapter will be better, I just wanted to write something so y'all know I'm still here.

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