Chapter 5 - Alexander

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"Hamilton!" Washington yelled angrily as I came into view of the ship.

"Yes sir?" I answered obliviously, forgetting that I had Jefferson slung over my shoulder.

He shook his head in exasporation, gestering at the body I was carrying. "What happened with Jefferson?" He sighed, massaging his temples.

I panicked as I remembered that he was unconscious. "Jefferson started it!" I spluttered quickly, not thinking. "Uh, I mean I just found him passed out on the sand... must have been the heat I guess,"

Washington rolled his eyes at me as I walked past. At the front of the ship I dropped Jefferson, gaining a sharp intake of breath from Washington.

"You couldn't have done that any less gently," He muttered through gritted teeth, before raising his voice to the rest of the crew, "Get a medic for Jefferson,"

"Yes sir," Madison stepped up to Jefferson, and knelt down next to him.

I turned to leave, wanting to try find that creature again, he was cute... but as I took a step, Jefferson spluttered back to life.

"Goddammit" I muttered under my breath, earning a raised eyebrow from Washington.

"F-fish..." Jefferson murmured groggily. Everyone looked at him confused, but I felt myself struck with panic. So he had seen the creature?

"He must have hit his head quite hard, he's talking nonsense!" I announced, trying to stop the others from believing him if he did mention the creature.

Jefferson glared at me as he tried to sit up. "Not... not nonsense. Fish person!" He exclaimed. Lafayette stifled a laugh next to me, and Madison looked incredibly concerned.

"Hamilton is right, Jefferson isn't making sense, Madison, stay with him on the ship, make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Washington spoke up, raising his voice above the whispers of the crew.

Jefferson was lifted into the shipwreck, as I turned to leave again. I had to be fast, the sun was going down. I had to find that creature again. I had to talk to it somehow.

I set off around the cove again, my eyes peeled for those beautiful curls peaking above the water.

I know I said I'd try get a better upload schedule, but I'm having a bit of writer's block (hence this shorter chapter) I promise I'll try do better next chapter!! Sorry again

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