Chapter 3 - Hamilton

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As the creature and I stared at each other, I began to feel fear creeping into my mid. What if someone else found him? What if he was dangerous? I was being stupid, he couldn't be dangerous and no one else would come this way. At least I hoped

My thoughts were all over the place, what was this creature doing to my mind? His eyes pierced my soul, and I couldn't look away, despite the danger I felt.

I tried to tell him to leave, to hide. I knew we couldn't stay together like this for much longer, but the creature didn't seem to understand, he just kept staring into my eyes.

Too soon were my fears confirmed. I heard a crunch of stone from behind the cliff separating the cove from the rest of the island. I should've been quieter when I told him to hide, the noise must made someone suspicious.

I stood up and turned my back to the creature, trying to hide him behind me somehow. I hoped now he would take the hint and hide. If it had any sense of safety it would surely swim back into

I tensed as the face crept round the jagged stone edge.


Why did it have to be Jefferson? Anyone else would have been better. Burr could've been easily distracted, Lafayette wouldn't care. Jefferson though, Jefferson was dangerous.

"Who're you talking to hmm?" He asked me, advancing towards me menacingly. He stopped about a meter away from me, crossing his arms with a smug grin on his face.

"What're you doing back here? HmMm?" I spat back, mocking his 'hmm' slightly. I was trying my best to hide my nerves. I kept shifting from side to side, trying to stop him from seeing as much of the cove as possible.

Jefferson kept walking back and forth, almost as though he knew I was hiding something. I could feel myself getting more and more scared as I tried to maintain eye contact with him.

"I'm just looking for something to eat, someone's got to be helpful to the crew.." Jefferson stopped his pacing to glare at me. "So, who're you talking to?" He questioned again, not letting me off the hook as easy as I had hoped.

I couldn't ignore his question for much longer but I sure as hell could try. "Yeah like you actually do any of the work. You just point at something you don't like and wait for James Madison to get rid of it for you, so keep ranting we know who's really doing the hunting."

His face started to colour with rage. He seemed ready for a fight. Finally I could punch him like I'd wanted too earlier. But I had to be careful, if he saw the creature it'd be dead in an instant, I couldn't let my pride be the death of us all.

I heard a splash behind me, and I tensed in fear. I wish that stupid creature had just hidden when I told it too, then we wouldn't be in this mess. Jefferson heard it too, and pushed passed me. I turned to watch in fear.

I let out a sigh of relief, it was only a turtle that was at risk. The creature was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help but feel a small amount of disappointment, it was beautiful after all.

"Guess you're just starting to lose your marbles, talking to turtles now are we?" Jefferson laughed. "Oh well, at least dinner is sorted."

I relaxed a bit more, forcing a sarcastic laugh as I watched him turn to leave. Hopefully now I'd have a chance to look for the creature again, maybe try to get it to understand me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft whooshing noise flying past my ear. And then a THUNK as Jefferson's body hit the ground.

I looked around in shock and fear, while also trying to keep a small smile off my face. I'd be lying if I said Jefferson being knocked over didn't bring me joy. Although now I'd have to explain to Captain Washington why I was dragging Jefferson's unconscious body across the beach.

I heard another splash from behind me and turned to see some curls peeking above the water.

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