Chapter 9 - Alexander

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My head ached as my eyes began to open slightly. It was dark all around me, and the floor was hard. I tried to sit up, but my head felt too heavy. I groaned as I moved my head to the side.

I noticed where I was when I started to cough. The hard floor matched the walls and roof. The walls and roof of a ship.

I started to panic. Had we left the island already? How long was I unconscious? What about the creature, I had to say goodbye!

The creature... that was the last thing I remembered. He was crying, and I tried to comfort him. I remember falling under the water, but that's where it started to get blurry. I must've imagined some of it. My brain was trying to tell me we had talked, but that couldn't be true, I must have dreamt it.

No, that couldn't be right. I remember it all to clearly, he was so worried about me. I had to let him know I was alright.

Suddenly another memory came back to me, and I sat up so suddenly I nearly fell forwards.

"John!" I exclaimed, finally remembering that beautiful creatures name.

I said it too loudly though, and suddenly I heard footsteps running towards me. I sighed, cursing my excitement, trying to think of how to explain myself.

"Mon ami! You are awake!" Lafayette shouted as rushed through the arch into the medical cabin.

I tried to force a small grin at the over-excited Frenchman. "Oui, I am still living, can't get rid of me that easily" I joked, before continuing, "Where are we?"

Hercules was the next to enter the cabin, struggling to breathe after running in his four sets of corsets. "How hard did you hit your head? Don't you remember where we are?" Hercules paused for breath and an answer, but I just looked blank. "We're shipwrecked, on an island... been here for 2 days now."

I let out a sigh of relief, although I tried to hide it. At least we hadn't left yet, and I hadn't been out for too long.

I still had a chance to see John again. A small smile danced across my lips at  that thought. I noticed Lafayette looking at me strangely, so I tried to mask my emotions by clearing my throat.

"Mon ami, did we hear you shout for a John? Très étrange, non?" Lafayette questioned in my silence, raising his eyebrow.

I felt a slight blush creep to my cheeks, I hoped it was dark enough that the other two wouldn't notice. I stumbled to think of a reasonable answer.

"I think I got my head... I had a crazy dream about... uh... a debate with John Addams? I guess I... I must've been thinking about the dream when I woke up" I answered slowly, hoping that they would believe it.

"Oh my god, tear that dude apart. Even if it was a dream, John Addams is the worst." Hercules chuckled.

I returned a weak smile, and was about to talk again, before I was rudely cut off.

"Can y'all just shut up now?" The voice came from the corner of the room, from a huge cloud of hair.

Jefferson, I thought, already feeling a headache coming on. Of course, he was hear from that little accident with the rock.

"Some of us are here with actual injuries Hamilton, not just because we had a nap on the beach" Jefferson continued when none of us answered him. I tried to stay calm, imagining him being hit by that rock again.

"Look Jefferson, just because you think you got hit by some magic rock, doesn't mean you can demand everything your way!" Hercules sighed for me, massaging his temples.

I smirked, as Jefferson seemed to get pretty annoyed by his words. I was glad to hear that none of the crew really believed that he was hit by anything. That meant they definitely wouldn't go looking for the creature he kept talking about.

Jefferson began to storm over when we refused to give him any more attention, he was such a drama queen.

Luckily for us, Captain Washington walked in at that exact moment.

"Jefferson, for the last time you are on bed rest until your head is right!" Washington yelled, with a small sigh at the end. "If i hear about flying rocks one more time..." he murmered under his breath.

We all started to snort with laughter, stopping immediately as Washington glared at us. "Lafayette, Mulligan, get out!" He commanded.

Hercules and Lafayette exchanged sad glances before nodding and leaving me alone with Jefferson and Washington. I began to stand up before Washington spoke again.

"Sit down Alexander, you're also on bed rest. No moving for a week!" He explained, as my face fell.

"But Sir! I'm... I'm fine" I protested, realising quickly I couldn't properly explain why I wanted to leave.

"I need all your help when this ship is ready to sail again, and if you're hurt, you're useless. Stay here and rest." Washington answered firmly, turning and leaving before I could argue again.

I already knew a week was too long, I would go insane. I had to see John again. He must be so worried. I had to let him know I was ok, but how?

A/N sorry this chapter is probably super boring, but I needed it for the ☆plot☆. Thank y'all so much for all your votes and comments!!

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