Chapter 4 - Laurens

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I don't know why I threw that rock. Well, actually I do. That other human with all the hair looked like an ass. He deserved it in my opinion. I could't see too much from where I was under the water but the way he picked up that poor turtle, I couldn't let him get away with it. 

I knew that I couldn't hurt him too badly, but I'd become quite good at throwing rocks at the many humans who tried to steal this island. 

Humans think they're entitled to anything they see. That's why I hate them.

The other one seemed different though. He was trying to protect me. Why? Why would he want to protect me? I'm a stranger. We're not even of the same species. 

I was still desperate to know more about this strange human, and with the other one out of the way we could maybe try to talk properly.

He looked shocked when the rock hit, maybe a little scared. I let my tail splash in the water to get his attention, my head just peaking above the water. 

He turned to me and grinned smugly.

I returned the grin with a soft smile. I was glad he wasn't angry. He seemed to like that other human almost as much as I did. I glanced passed him to giggle at the body laying unconscious on the sand.

His vision followed mine, and he muttered something I didn't understand before turning away and walking towards the body on the sand.

I tried to call out to him, I wasn't ready for him to leave yet, but obviously he couldn't understand me. It probably just sounded like water bubbling to him. 

He slung the body over his shoulder as I slipped back into the ocean. 

I swum out of the cove and towards the reef. There's nothing like summer in coral city, particularly by the palace. I glided through the the open doors to find the sea nymphs, I needed their advice.

"Hey Angelica, Eliza!" I called out happily

"And Peggy!" A voice answered angrily from the right of me. I giggled as I swum through the shell-studded arch to find the Schuyler sisters.

"Laurens! It's so nice to see you again! You look well" Angelica called as I glided into the room. Eliza smiled at me in greeting, and Peggy glared at me, still annoyed that I pretended to forget her.

"What do you want?" Peggy demanded, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"I'm sorry Pegs, I would never really forget about you, I'm just a little distracted today" Eliza looked up at me as I blushed, and drifted towards me.

"Who's the lucky guy John?" She giggled. I blushed even deeper and glanced away.

"Well... uh.. remember the crash earlier? One of the guys from the ship is really cu-"

"It's a human?!" Angelica cut me off sharply, glaring at me with her arms crossed. I glanced down at the floor and ran my hand through my hair.

"Y-Yeah.." I muttered

Eliza glared at me too. "John... you know what humans are like.."

I felt bad that I was worrying them, but I had to fight for him.

"This one's different 'Liza, I know it! He's beautiful, and caring and he has the prettiest, wisest eyes and-"

"We get it John, he's hot, stop drooling over yourself" Peggy shot at me.

"No! You don't get it! He protected me from another human, from a bad human! He helped me, and he didn't try to hurt me at all! We just.. looked at each other" I retorted in a rush, feeling the blush in my cheeks grow and grow. When I was finished, Eliza put her arm around me.

"He sounds like quite the catch John, I might try to take a bite of him" she laughed before continuing, "If you say he's that amazing, then I can at least believe you that you'll be safe around him."

I thanked her over and over for trusting me until I was shushedby Angelica.

"Well John, if you really like him, we need a plan to get him to fall for you!" She smiled.

I sighed in reply, "He can't understand my language Angelica, I can't even ask his name."

Eliza smiled at me cunningly, "I've heard that they can understand you when they're under water!"

I grinned so widly I thought my face might split in half. I really could have a shot with him! But what would I say?

"What do I even do to get him underwater?" I muttered. Peggy heard and glided over to me.

"I have an idea" she announced, and then began whispering in my ear.

I'm sorry that my update schedule is completely wack, but I hope you enjoy the updates all the same! Thank you to everyone reading this, and shoutout to my friend leaving the most amazing comments.

I'll try update to more of a schedule in future!

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